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AzuCloud - Long Tail SEO Cloud

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HTTPS has nothing to do with spidering your site, its only being used for displaying your results within the browser.

I have done the same thing to my own main forum, as its the only way to stop attacks being made between the server and the users computer, injecting malicious content to disrupt users viewing the site, without hacking the server itself.
HTTPS has nothing to do with spidering your site, its only being used for displaying your results within the browser.
But this conversation is not about spidering ;), this is about Google search results redirecting to a site and then that site being able to know what search terms were used within Google. If you check out that article I linked to you'll see that users who are landing on your site at https://google.com, versus http://google.com, do not get their search results forwarded to the site that Google redirects to. In other words... if a user is logged into their Google account and does a Google.com search then those search results will be delivered via SSL. When that user then clicks on your site in the search results and loads up your site, this mod (AzuCloud) will *not* be able to capture the search term that was used by the user for their search.
But this conversation is not about spidering ;), this is about Google search results redirecting to a site and then that site being able to know what search terms were used within Google.
That is a very interesting point... I see what you're saying now. Reading from Google that there pulling the search data from being sent, but leaving other data.

Interesting move how they're doing it... limiting marketers solely to Google analytics, yet covering it by way of privacy concerns that are progressively building towards Googles security, due to the sheer amount of personal data they have on every person in the world who uses search.

Seems some marketers aren't happy about it, yet at present its only expected to stop around 10% of traffic referrals at this time during the trial phase: http://www.newsli.com/2011/11/06/go...ferral-traffic-with-ssl-secure-socket-layers/

I actually hope they customise the SSL specific to their purpose and send the data within the SSL connection... that is a feasible all-round alternative. Whether they do that or not will yet to be seen.
rtl bug - Arabic language url sometime appears in cloud as
is annoying please fix

thank you
Hi All,

Can someone help me to get this working on the XenPorta Portal index @ mmazone.com.au

Works fine everywhere else just not on the portal homepage.

I have the following in my settings but still nothing shows, I thought maybe it has something to do with XenFracture style?(uses framework)


EDIT: Figured it out, it was a typo... oops

This will display the cloud in the XenPorta homepage if anyone else is interested.


Example @ mmazone.com.au right at the bottom.
That is a very interesting point... I see what you're saying now. Reading from Google that there pulling the search data from being sent, but leaving other data.

FWIW, I just did some testing on my own forum and went to check the AzuCloud results. I still see the admin-part of the add-on listing search terms as being hit "today". That makes me think the add-on still works as intended :)
The addon does still work, but Google is currently trialling a switch to https. So if you're logged into your gmail or other Google service, then when you visit google.com, you will be redirected to https://www.google.com. Google estimate about 10% of their traffic is using the https version, which means 10% of your keywords aren't coming through to your site, nor can your site track 10% of its data, stats period, because https does not send or allow the tracking of such data.

Google are talking about shifting completely to https, and if that happens, then nobody in the world will be able to track any statistical data from Google outside of using Google analytics, because there will be no data sent in the referrer or such information from https, hence it being secure.

Web marketers globally are pretty much up in arms about this, website owners... because you will not be able to track your data outside using Google analytics. Server stats, all useless. Raw log file... won't contain anything about Google visits...
ErrorException: Undefined index: host - library/Dark/AzuCloud/EventListener/FrontControllerPreView.php:44
Generated By: komarov47, Sunday at 10:17 AM
I have a few of them in my error logs, can you guide me on this please?
I just installed this and it seems to be active but I can't seem to see any 'cloud' on any of my posts. Am I doing something wrong? Does it take a few days for it to show up?
If you made the template change, it will show up as soon as someone ends up on the site from Google. Easy to verify by performing a search that you know will bring up your site in Google, and then clicking the link to the article from there :)
It worked this way, Peter. The strange thing is that my posts must get traffic exclusively from the posting on Twitter or Facebook. No longtails on any posts yet. :( At least I know it's working. Thank you! :D
is there cron to clear old terms ?
i used some thing like that in vbulletin and after year i get table in database with 600 MB size

how many queries in each page ?
Hi All,

Can someone help me to get this working on the XenPorta Portal index @ mmazone.com.au

Works fine everywhere else just not on the portal homepage.

I have the following in my settings but still nothing shows, I thought maybe it has something to do with XenFracture style?(uses framework)


EDIT: Figured it out, it was a typo... oops

This will display the cloud in the XenPorta homepage if anyone else is interested.


Example @ mmazone.com.au right at the bottom.
Can you explain a little what all that means?
I'd like to get this working on xenporta as well

Can you explain a little what all that means?
I'd like to get this working on xenporta as well

Ill do my best to explain it but I barley know how it works myself.

Each add-on has a controller. Adding the controller to the mentioned part of the tag cloud add-on allows the words to appear on other mods for example the XenPorta, XenMedio etc etc.. Its explained better at the start of this thread, or you could just add the ones in my screenshot and the words will appear for XenPorta and XenMedio
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