XF 1.5 Avatar from Media item


New member
Don't know if this is the right place, but if I have a jpg in my media, which is a typical rectangle, and click media as an Avatar, it produces what looks to be proper resizing.
When I see the Avatar in the forum, it has improper perspective, like thisCapture.webp

Any idea what causes this?
Do you think you can attach the original version of the image here so I can try to reproduce the issue? Does it happen if you upload the image as an avatar directly?
Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this, so it may be related to the specific version of the image processing library you are using. Do you know if you're using GD or ImageMagick? (Use the XF control panel search for "Default Image Processor".) If you have the ability, can you swap to the other one? Do you know the version of each that is being used (admin.php?tools/phpinfo - look for the sections labeled "gd" or "imagick", respectively).
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