Automatic Watch Thread and Watch Forum on Registration [Deleted]

I am having a timeout issue after installing this addon. I made my users watch my announcement section but for some reason it is taking 2-3 mins to post the thread in that section and even so it does not show up right away, I tried this a few times and then I had to close my board for 1-2 mins to allow it to finish.

Any help on this would be appreciated :)
Ahh. Hmm.

I guess you ran the cache rebuilder so now your entire user base is watching the thread?

Did you do it with just alerts or email messages as well?

Or did you set them to watch a thread or watch a forum for all new messages?
Ahh. Hmm.

I guess you ran the cache rebuilder so now your entire user base is watching the thread?

Did you do it with just alerts or email messages as well?

Or did you set them to watch a thread or watch a forum for all new messages?
I set all my userbase to watch a forum for new threads, and receive alerts, and posting a new thread takes about 30 seconds now in that section.
Hmm. So this is interesting.

In many ways this behaviour is expected with the circumstances this add on has created.

But actually this issue isn't exclusive to this add on. It's now more prevalent because we're adding thousands of users into the mix much more automatically but generally this could happen on any forum even without this add on. So if a particular thread or forum is popular it could get to this point where the alerts being generated could slow down the user experience.

@Mike may consider that to be edge case enough not to fix. But it might be prudent for mass alerts to be deferred if the number meets a certain criteria.

It's not trivial to do that. It's not something I've seen in "normal" usage as being a problem, though yes it is theoretically something that can happen.
Oh I know it's not trivial. It's an interesting thought though. Is it worth me creating a bug report you can consider a future fix or is it more of a suggestion at this stage?

I think I might highlight the risks of that particular feature in the add on though. But I do fear that with this add on even the normal behaviour over time will continuously degrade the performance of those threads and forums to the point they're unusable.

Maybe this add on just isn't a good idea.
The 2 sections I've forced all people to watch, I'm the only person who is able to create a new thread in there, so it's not much of an issue in my case. Although, for some of the large sites, I can see where this could be a problem.
I wouldn't consider it a bug per se, but feel free to suggest it if you wish.

For something like this, it's probably important to stop alerting people if they stop visiting for 3-6 months. Might be worth including something to remove them (or disable the alerting behavior) in this add-on or a separate one.
This will do it
DELETE FROM xf_forum_watch
WHERE user_id
IN (
SELECT user_id
FROM xf_user
DAY ) )
I have set all my users to watch all of my 4 Forums-Nodes with Alerts and Email.
So each user is receiving an Email once another user makes a Forum-post.
This is the functionality I need and want in order to spur activity on my very small Forum.

Since using this Addon, I discovered that about 10% of my users do not have a functioning Email-address anymore.
So I do get a lot of Emails bouncing back to my own Admin-Email saying: "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"

I have de-installed this Addon since my previous bug-report, but of course all my users are still "watching" all my Forum-Nodes since I applied the "rebuilder" for existing members.

Does it make sense to delete all those members who have Email-addresses which are bouncing back ? I guess there will be no way for these members to return to my Forum anyway....

I do hope this Addon did not affect any of the XF-core-functionality in any negative way ?
Do I need to be worried or is everything fine since I already de-installed this Addon ?

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Ahh. Hmm.

I guess you ran the cache rebuilder so now your entire user base is watching the thread?

Did you do it with just alerts or email messages as well?

Or did you set them to watch a thread or watch a forum for all new messages?

1. Yes

2. Only alerts

3. Only new threads

If the alerts can be sent in something like 5 minutes after the posting of a thread or in batches it could work smoother possibly?

Otherwise I could use this on a smaller forum of mine considering the above mentioned points.
I have to say that this Addon is absolutely ESSENTIAL for any small Forum or if you are starting a Forum from scratch. (y)(y)(y)

I have a tiny Forum with about 300 Members and it is pretty dead.
Since I have set all my members to "Watch ALL Forums" with "Receiving E-mail Alert", I do see that members who have not been online for over a year are returning back and indeed posting Forum-posts.
Also, I see a spike in new members signing-up.

No member complained about receiving too many E-mails or anything of that sort.

Hopefully @Chris Deeming could investigate into that one reported bug, so I could go ahead and install this Addon again..... as this Addon really helps a lot to spur Forum-activity and make a tiny Forum grow.

Any update on this?

What happened to me is that now I can't post any threads at all in my announcement section. I have to post a thread in another section and move it. If in case it's not possible to optimize it, would uninstalling cause all members to unwatch the forum?
The behaviour is completely expected with XenForo unfortunately. If all your members were to subscribe to the forum manually the same thing would happen.

You can unsubscribe them probably by a database query.

What is the error you get when you try to post a thread?

It may just require some server limits to be increased.
This does not work on my site. Users do not get the alerts when I post a message to the specified thread. I have 26.000 members.
Are we able to force existing members into this option or will it only work on new members registrations
I love this add-on.

Now, all i have to do is figure out how to modify default XF behavior so that a member will receive an email every-time a watched thread is posted to, even if the thread remains unread. Any suggestions here?

Also, do I have to specify which specific threads, within a forum, are automatically subscribed to? Or, can I leave that blank and allow the member to automatically be subscribed to ALL threads in a specified forum?
I love this add-on.

Now, all i have to do is figure out how to modify default XF behavior so that a member will receive an email every-time a watched thread is posted to, even if the thread remains unread. Any suggestions here?

Also, do I have to specify which specific threads, within a forum, are automatically subscribed to? Or, can I leave that blank and allow the member to automatically be subscribed to ALL threads in a specified forum?
okay, I think I have an answer to part of my question at the following..

Code was posted that will allow Watched Threads to continue to produce alerts and email notifications, even if the watched thread remains unread by the watching member.
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