Fixed Auto-Suggest Selection In Google Chrome Linux


Well-known member
Open quick search from, type a few characters in "Posted by Member" field and let the auto suggest appear. Now try to use UP/DOWN keys to select one form the available suggestions and the suggestions will hide immediately. If the ENTER key is hit to select the first suggestion, it wont work either.

Browser: Google Chrome (Version 36.0.1985.125)
OS: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
Fixed now (for 1.3). It appears that Chrome was sending keycode 229 in this case before the real keycode. This appears to represent that something was pressed, but it hasn't been processed yet. I just needed to filter that out and not hide the autocomplete box in that case.
Fixed now (for 1.3). It appears that Chrome was sending keycode 229 in this case before the real keycode. This appears to represent that something was pressed, but it hasn't been processed yet. I just needed to filter that out and not hide the autocomplete box in that case.
This is interesting to know, should it be considered as a browser bug or simply a consequence of something else? I remember that it has started happening recently after we upgraded our forum. But it could also be the reason of a browser upgrade.
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