Auto-spam detect/delete


New member
I have (in the past) volunteered as a "moderator" on a small Xen-Foro forum and one of the most time consuming tasks involved preventing copyright violations from being posted. It can be a real hassle especially when all a member has to do is open another window in their browser /// [CTRL-C] /// toggle /// [CTRL-V] .AND THEN. grab some popcorn and wait for us (the Mod Team) to respond to the DMCA violation. Hahaha, such fun, right? :censored:

Question: Is there a current, supported add-on that automatically detects and prevents such postings from even reaching the board? I know that every post can be forced into "moderation," meaning it would wait for approval on an individual basis, but what I'm looking for should cut down on the work-load and not increase it. Yes?

MD Sparkes (aka SparrowHawke)
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