We've been busy wrapping up a few projects this spring and one of those projects recently launched to our excitement :)🎉. With a snappy new website and forum design, Student Doctor Network was looking to re-energize their community. As a non-profit organization that provides articles and resources to medical students hoping to become doctors, it was imperative that we deliver a professional, intuitive, and fluid theme to help them continue to grow.

From initial discovery to launch day, a lot of our team members had a hand in helping this project go live and we're also very thankful for the wonderful team behind SDN that we collaborated with as well! :D

Included in project:
  • Full planning stage with page restructure and wireframing process
  • Complete UI/UX design process of all essential views
  • Custom illustrations such as iconography and brand pattern
  • XenForo and WordPress development
  • Dark theme creation
  • Advertisement configuration and setup
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Migration
  • Launch assistance
If you want to see more about the project, links are below!


I think that has been resolved now for new demos that are created. Please try creating a new demo. If you experience any other issues, please create a ticket here.
Hopefully the keywords replacement issue gets fixed, at over at a month waiting for some type of update I'm having to look at alternative add-ons. :(

Hey Kevin! Do you have an open ticket on themehouse.com? I can take a look into this for you. PM me with your username when you have a moment 🙂
Hey Kevin! Do you have an open ticket on themehouse.com? I can take a look into this for you. PM me with your username when you have a moment 🙂
I personally have not created a ticket but Mike is aware of the issue.
I personally have not created a ticket but Mike is aware of the issue.

I've alerted our project manager and she'll be following up with our team to prioritize this 🙂We'll post in the monetize thread when a fix has been made.
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