We are currently working on getting all of our themes ported over to XF2.1. But once we get those released we will then focus on releasing new themes ;)

They are currently being worked on and being tested by our beta testers! ;) No official ETA of when they will be released but we'll let everyone know soon.
Awesome news.
Trouble Free Pool’s mission has always been to offer nonbiased advice to our members how to best maintain their personal swimming pools. We do NOT accept any funds from companies as “donations” nor do we run advertising on our website. We do this so we avoid any temptation of swaying our advice to help “please” a cashcow. We must maintain a very tight budget and we must make sure all of our funding is spent well. When the decision was made to migrate we never once discussed work with Themehouse. The stigma from this forum was that they were simply too expensive for our budget. Worst decision we made. We at first worked with our host who also offered custom work as they seemed like the perfect fit. We had issues the entire time. 🤬 After 5months however of frustration I made a call to @Mike Creuzer. After about ten minutes on the phone I was left dazzled with the origination as a whole. We moved our site to their servers and went to work migrating our site.

During the migration it was clear however there was a major roadblock in the way of discuss, me. As we went it was clear I offered unclear feedback and wasn’t able to clearly describe just what it was TFP wanted. After a discussion again with them over the phone I knew to step back and let them work. I’m glad I did! They went to work and the work they did was amazing. I cannot express how pleased both myself and our users have been. Sure there’s been a few negative comments but the bulk have all said the same, the site is so much cleaner, snappier, and more enjoyable to use. As for the concern of price, ThemeHouse did the migration to Xenforo, three custom Wordpress pages, a custom script to import DragonByte Gallery from vB4 to Xenforo, and the design of the forum all for roughly the same price of the other headaches we went through. They did the work in roughly two months with me and the holidays slowing things down along the way.

ThemeHouse was simply amazing through the entire process. I cannot wait to earn some more funds to work with them in the future.
"Ever eat at a really fantastic restaurant, and while you want to rave about it from the rooftops "This is SO GOOD!", a part of you wants to keep it as your little secret so that the place doesn't get too crowded? For me, for forum design and add-ons, that's ThemeHouse. Mike and his team at ThemeHouse have been the indispensable authority on forum software customization and themes for me for more than 3 years, and I cannot recommend them enough. I've leaned on ThemeHouse's wisdom, the brilliance of elegant solutions Mike's team presents, and the clever - often critical! - features they create to bring to our communities. Their work on helping us upgrade AnandTech and bringing Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide into the XenForo family of message boards has been utterly essential, and I'm grateful to be able to rely often on the enormous expertise that they have well-honed and refined. I actively and strongly recommend ThemeHouse to any fellow community management professionals looking to spiff up your forum presence. If you want the sharpest-looking forums, or if you want a feature that isn't available anywhere else, ThemeHouse is your go-to. I just hope they don't get too busy!"

- Joe Pishgar, Director of Community, Future Plc

Heya folks got a quick video and blog post that outlines what was recently changed in the newest update for TH Question & Answer Forums.

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@Mike Creuzer

Is this quick post feature available as a standalone add on yet for XF2?

I'd love to have a proper RTE box at the top of my forum where members can visit the home page and start composing a post straight away.
Im not sure, I think Future might have reserved that for themselves. We did have a Quick Thread add-on for XF1, Ill see if I can track down an answer to that.
Yeah, I have your quick thread add on for XF1 and I like it.

An add on that utilises the core quick thread feature in XF2 nodes, but available on the home page with the ability to select the node easily would be nice.

Instead of a drop down, using the text based real time search would make it even better.

So the title and RTE box is visible on the home page.


But with the ability to select the node it gets posted to before hitting 'Post Thread'. Maybe with a little pop up and text search for easy searching and selection of the node, which is important for forums with lots of nodes where you don't want a drop down list with 100 options.

Looks like you've already got the quick search function for XF2 in UIX2 by the looks of this:

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Looks like you've already got the quick search function for XF2 in UIX2 by the looks of this:

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That's Topics, that won't actually show nodes :)
Yeah, I figured it was slightly different, was just watching the video when setting up the covers add on and it looked really similar to the quick post gif from XF1 I posted above :)
Notifier - with Slack integration has been released 🔔


Know what’s happening on your forum and stay up to date by sending notifications from XenForo to Slack and Mattermost. Set up the actions you would like to receive notifications about and further define it by choosing the nodes, categories, report content types, and user criteria based on the content type. Notifier will help keep you informed.

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Your contact form does not work! I tried to contact you to get a proposal but the message never got through it seems!!
@fionix sorry for the inconvenience. Can you let us know which specific contact form you tried to reach us through on our website? We want to make sure if there is an issue, we get that fixed quickly :)

We still encourage you to make a ticket with us so we can help with your project.
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