Are IGN moving to XenForo?

This. IGN changing to XenForo is quite the achievement, though. I wouldn't like to be the one in charge of the convert though, I'd imagine a custom importer will be written by their techs, then there's the bazillions of posts.. *faint*

It would also represent fundamentally the biggest undermining of Internet Brands credibility and only serve to bolster XenForo's. Having a major media outlet transition to XenForo would only act as a catalyst to solidify XenForo's ability to change the forum industry as well as achieve something that IB has yet to accomplish itself (excludes organizations prior to the acquisition of Jelsoft): make a major organization transition to their product

News to me. They may be altering their style in anticipation, but as far as I'm aware, they are not on XenForo yet, at least not for public forums.
Well, smart move then.

Doesn't look remotely like XF, I am amazed anyone thought otherwise.
Post bits do & threads do. I don't visit them, and at quick glance I saw the post bit (which is a very good rendition).
Is that the same software they were running before? o_O

Hm. Interesting. I'm doing some research on who is Bespoke.
There was someone on these boards at the beginning of the year from ign asking about big board stuff - i remember the conv - I heard on twitter they are beta testing it soon
Should be taught in schools.
It is but the only use of bespoke that I was ever taught was the practical use to say it is spoke for, other than the fact that I have an uncle who owns a tailors I would not understand the correlation of bespoke to "made to order" in terms of software.

As far as IGN using XF ....AWESOME! Good stuff.
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