[AP] Style Suite

[AP] Style Suite [Paid] 2.11.10

No permission to buy (€15.00)
I got this error after the update

  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given
  • src/addons/apathy/StyleSuite/Template/Style/Postbit.php:154
The fonts for the posts have stopped working. There isn't an error thrown in the admin panel, but there is an error upon inspecting the CSS of the page.

I don't think changing the file name will change the font family.

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 18.31.39.webp
The fonts for the posts have stopped working. There isn't an error thrown in the admin panel, but there is an error upon inspecting the CSS of the page.

I don't think changing the file name will change the font family.
Which version are you upgrading from? Make sure you have no outdated templates and it wouldn't hurt to rebuild the cache in Admin Panel -> Appearance -> [AP] Style Suite -> Fonts
It's normal for the fonts to be looking for a number ID instead of an actual font name, but it should have ' surrounding it.
I just checked and I have no outdated templates. I refreshed the cache, also. I then rebuilt the addon with the option to overwrite. Nothing has fixed the problem.
I just checked and I have no outdated templates. I refreshed the cache, also. I then rebuilt the addon with the option to overwrite. Nothing has fixed the problem.
Which version are you upgrading from? There was big changes to how assets are handled in 2.10.0 but nothing about fonts was touched in 2.10.1, so it must be an issue when upgrading from older versions
I updated from like this: 2.5.1, 2.7.1, 2.8.1, 2.9.0, 2.9.2, 2.9.4, 2.9.5, 2.9.6, 2.10.0,

However, I just disabled, unintsalled, and deleted files. Then I reinstalled it. The fonts still aren't working in the posts. They are working for usernames and titles, but not posts.
Strange that it happened during a 2.9.6 -> 2.10.0 upgrade, I spent a good month and a half testing it :X
Either way, glad its (mostly) working now. I'll take a look at the fonts not working in Post styles for the next update
Was wondering how we can change the height of the profile header image. I would like for it to have a greater height like the image shown.

Right now its about half the height .


Last edited:
Was wondering how we can change the height of the profile header image. I would like for it to have a greater height like the image shown.

Right now its about half the height .
If you want to change the size for everyone, you have to edit the template ap_ss_profile_style.less and change the value of the "height" property on line 4.

If you want to change it for just your profile, you need to add the following to the CSS box at the bottom of your profile style settings page:
.p-header {
        height: 300px;

I can add a little numberbox so CSS isn't required for per-profile settings but it won't make it into the next update.
If you want to change the size for everyone, you have to edit the template ap_ss_profile_style.less and change the value of the "height" property on line 4.

If you want to change it for just your profile, you need to add the following to the CSS box at the bottom of your profile style settings page:
.p-header {
        height: 300px;

I can add a little numberbox so CSS isn't required for per-profile settings but it won't make it into the next update.
Awesome, Would love to see this in the next update. It would be an amazing addition to your amazing product. Thank you soooooo much!
apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Improve compatibility between handling of Postbit Filter layer and XF 2.2.13
  • Fix issue where "Postbit background filter" sliders were not checking the Postbit background permission
  • Improve compatibility with [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System
  • Stop hardcoding "border-radius" property in Avatar Frame settings preview - it should now respect the "Avatar frame type" admin option
  • Allow limiting a user groups color selection
  • Remove "Maximum postbit background height (px)"...

Read the rest of this update entry...

Since updating to 2.11, I have exactly 1 Trillion of the below errors in my log:

  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Cannot call method hasPostStyle on a non-object (NULL)
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1179
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Jun 7, 2023 at 6:31 PM

Stack trace​

#0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, '[E_USER_WARNING...', '/home/nginx/dom...', 1179)
#1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1179): trigger_error('Cannot call met...', 512)
#2 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(461): XF\Template\Templater->method(NULL, 'hasPostStyle', Array)
#3 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(827): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, NULL)
#4 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/XF/Template/Templater.php(152): XF\Template\Templater->callMacro('post_macros', 'post_user_conte...', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\MacroState))
#5 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(63): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\TemplaterAbstract->callMacro(NULL, 'post_user_conte...', Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(990): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#7 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(926): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtensionInternal('user_content', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#8 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(97): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtension('user_content', Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#9 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(990): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#10 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(926): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtensionInternal('content', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#11 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(126): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtension('content', Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#12 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(990): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#13 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(926): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtensionInternal('main_cell_inner', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#14 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(144): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtension('main_cell_inner', Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#15 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(990): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#16 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(926): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtensionInternal('main_cell', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#17 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(156): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtension('main_cell', Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#18 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(990): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#19 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(926): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtensionInternal('full_body', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#20 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/post_macros.php(223): XF\Template\Templater->renderExtension('full_body', Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#21 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(827): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#22 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/XF/Template/Templater.php(152): XF\Template\Templater->callMacro('post_macros', 'post', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\MacroState))
#23 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/thread_view.php(1033): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\TemplaterAbstract->callMacro(NULL, 'post_macros::po...', Array, Array)
#24 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1654): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, Object(XF\Template\ExtensionSet))
#25 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/Traits/Templater/XF22.php(52): XF\Template\Templater->renderTemplate('thread_view', Array, true, NULL)
#26 src/XF/Template/Template.php(24): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\Templater->renderTemplate('public:thread_v...', Array)
#27 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Html.php(50): XF\Template\Template->render()
#28 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(460): XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html->renderView('XF:Thread\\View', 'public:thread_v...', Array)
#29 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(442): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderView(Object(ThemeHouse\StyleSwitch\XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#30 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(402): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderReply(Object(ThemeHouse\StyleSwitch\XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#31 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(60): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')
#32 src/XF/App.php(2487): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#33 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#34 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#35 {main}

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(58) "/threads/aftermarket-radio-recommendations-for-a-c5.44643/"
["referrer"] => string(23) "https://www.google.com/"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["/threads/aftermarket-radio-recommendations-for-a-c5_44643/"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {

OK got rid of those errors, got a few of these after the upgrade, will see if they come back...

  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Function is_include_word is unknown
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1109
  • Generated by: Nik
  • Jun 8, 2023 at 3:47 PM

Stack trace​

#0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, '[E_USER_WARNING...', '/home/nginx/dom...', 1109)
#1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1109): trigger_error('Function is_inc...', 512)
#2 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s0/public/helper_js_global.php(98): XF\Template\Templater->func('is_include_word', Array, false)
#3 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(827): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, NULL)
#4 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/XF/Template/Templater.php(152): XF\Template\Templater->callMacro('helper_js_globa...', 'body', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\MacroState))
#5 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s0/admin/helper_js_global.php(12): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\TemplaterAbstract->callMacro('public:helper_j...', 'body', Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(827): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, NULL)
#7 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/XF/Template/Templater.php(152): XF\Template\Templater->callMacro('helper_js_globa...', 'body', Array, Array, Object(XF\Template\MacroState))
#8 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s0/admin/PAGE_RUN_JOB.php(76): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\TemplaterAbstract->callMacro('admin:helper_js...', 'body', Array, Array)
#9 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1654): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), Array, NULL)
#10 src/addons/MaZ/AMP/Traits/Templater/XF22.php(52): XF\Template\Templater->renderTemplate('PAGE_RUN_JOB', Array, true, NULL)
#11 src/XF/Admin/App.php(259): MaZ\AMP\XF\Template\Templater->renderTemplate('admin:pAGE_RUN_...', Array)
#12 src/XF/App.php(2285): XF\Admin\App->renderPageHtml('

<form acti...', Array, Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(ThemeHouse\StyleSwitch\XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#13 src/XF/Admin/App.php(138): XF\App->renderPage('

<form acti...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(ThemeHouse\StyleSwitch\XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#14 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(404): XF\Admin\App->renderPage('

<form acti...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(ThemeHouse\StyleSwitch\XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#15 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(60): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')
#16 src/XF/App.php(2487): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#17 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#18 admin.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Admin\\App')
#19 {main}

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(24) "/admin.php?tools/run-job"
["referrer"] => string(58) "https://mysite.com/admin.php?tools/run-job"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["tools/run-job"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(3) {
["_xfRedirect"] => string(95) "https://mysite.com/admin.php?add-ons/install-from-archive-complete&batch_id=213"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["only_ids"] => string(8) "11509112"
OK got rid of those errors, got a few of these after the upgrade, will see if they come back...

Is it definitely Style Suite causing this? I don't see it mentioned in the stack trace and I'm unsure of what the is_include_word method is, it's not a PHP or a Xenforo one.
The two addons I see mentioned are MaZ/AMP and ThemeHouse/StyleSwitch, so try disable Style Suite and those other two one at a time to see what happens.
Is it definitely Style Suite causing this? I don't see it mentioned in the stack trace and I'm unsure of what the is_include_word method is, it's not a PHP or a Xenforo one.
The two addons I see mentioned are MaZ/AMP and ThemeHouse/StyleSwitch, so try disable Style Suite and those other two one at a time to see what happens.

You're right I didn't even check the stack trace, thanks for the response.
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