Anyone else getting tons of messages from their hosting provider always pressuring to upsell hosting plans…?

Don't fall for their traps.
It more like they want to get rid of me. I don’t have the money to pay for what they say I need. I thought I had already paid when I prepaid a three year contract back in 2021. My contract expires in July 2924 but they are reducing what comes with my package effective November 1st.. I Had no real problems with this website until late last week. It has been almost a week of huge downtimes stretches and constant up and downs like a yoyo.
It more like they want to get rid of me. I don’t have the money to pay for what they say I need. I thought I had already paid when I prepaid a three year contract back in 2021. My contract expires in July 2924 but they are reducing what comes with my package effective November 1st.. I Had no real problems with this website until late last week. It has been almost a week of huge downtimes stretches and constant up and downs like a yoyo.
Sounds like they're breaking the law. You could probably sue them and win if you were up for the time, effort and money to do it.
I think Bluehost uses cPanel, so you can migrate to any cPanel or Plesk host fairly easily.

I would just take a full site backup, move all your DNS to Cloudflare (so you don't forget specific DNS records) and then just migrate to a new host that way.

As far as going after them legally, there isn't much you can do that is worth the time. You could possibly demand to be prorated the remaining amount of money owed for your hosting plan, but that mostly comes down to their TOS, and if you've agreed since they've updated them.
I hate cloudfare sites personally they block me too because of the VPN I’m using…I’m using ProtonVPN but I’m pretty sure most VPNs have same problems…

That's because the website owner hates you and wants to block you. But you're a nice website owner and you will never allow your Cloudflare to block VPN. So yes, take Cloudflare and be a good role model for those bad websites that block VPN. :)
Thank you. I will check that out.
Now Bluehost wants to change my website ip address because they say it is wrong. It will take another 48 hours to propegate. i have had The same ip for over three years, now it need changing after being down for a total of more than 100 hours in less than a week.
I am at a loss of what to do other than move. I did a backup of the website and i am gathering information on how to move the website to another provider.
I decided to move to Web Hosting Canada and they do free websit and domain migration services included so they are doing all the migration work for me and cheap prices too here is my referral link to them and anyone that uses our link to join them will benefit us too so I’m definitely liking moving to this company:




He can't sue them because he agreed to arbitration as part of the terms.
He can take them to the ombudsman and get them into trouble. Or leave.
If you choose to take them to the ombudsman you can get them for overcharging you. via disputing payments. Especially if they act as your isp as well.
He can't sue them because he agreed to arbitration as part of the terms.
I'm sure that it's possible even with that, he just has to go through that step first. Ultimately, if they don't honour their contract they can be sued, eventually.
I'm sure that it's possible even with that, he just has to go through that step first. Ultimately, if they don't honour their contract they can be sued, eventually.
Exactly. All you need is a lawyer who is good at picking apart these things and they can find something. T&Cs often aren't completely airtight legally, esp. with smaller firms without big corporate legal teams.
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1. When you agree to arbitration you agree it's binding. Arbitration is usually the only step, rather than the 1st step before suing.
2. Few attempts to circumvent arbitration are successful.
3. The plaintiff would spend thousands, possibly tens of thousands, to win a couple hundred bucks.
4. No attorney is going to take a pea sized case on a contingency basis.
4. They would have to file suit in Utah, since they agreed to that jurisdiction.
5. The contract says if you try to circumvent arbitration, you agree to pay Bluehost's legal fees to enforce their arbitration clause.
6. A individual is very unlikely without an attorney to pierce the arbitration veil. Which takes us back to point 3.

Circumventing arbitration or even trying to sue for a couple hundred dollar case is pure fantasy. This reminds me of forum users who say they will sue because they were banned.
@MySiteGuy I don't know the specifics of this case and I'm not gonna dive into researching the specifics just for this casual conversation, but I think the devil's in the details.

Set out the way you have, I'd agree, but consider the following possibilities which can change the dynamic signficantly:
  • Arbitration isn't always binding. Depends on the contract you sign and the kind of business you're in
  • In Engand, there's the small claims court which allows claims up to a few thousand pounds for a smallish fee. You can do a DIY job by representing yourself and it's just you, the opponent and the judge in the courtroom with the verdict usually delivered in the same session. Does something like this exist in America?
There may be other variables here that I'm not aware of, but these two make a real difference.

He can't sue them because he agreed to arbitration as part of the terms.

btw1 where did you see that he's agreed to arbitration? How do you know he did? I've searched the thread for "arbitration" with the find function and couldn't find it.

btw2, you have two point 4s. :p
You need to be thinking like this when you pick a host. It's like picking a telco such as Telstra or Optus here in Australia.
Both of these telcos are also ISP's.
Both give us great nbn speeds.
But can rip you off by doing the same things as what your hosts do.
It's called scamming the user by getting them to pay for something higher and more expensive.
Optus does this to people all the time.
pick the most trustworthy telco, and the plan you can afford by your telco.
When a host starts their dirty tricks like AWS making people pay for their traffic bygiving you over $200 bills all the time, when it's meant to be only $30 you move. Along with reporting them for fraud to your bank.
I decided to move to Web Hosting Canada and they do free websit and domain migration services included so they are doing all the migration work for me and cheap prices too here is my referral link to them and anyone that uses our link to join them will benefit us too so I’m definitely liking moving to this company:

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Don't forget to display your Green Badge high and proud :D
Nope, nice to see they gave you free migration and are running on hydro power and don't use air conditioners.
Depending on where their provider is... air conditioning may be a necessity. I'd like to see someone try to run a service on strict hydro cooling (with no air conditioned cooling of the H2O) when the ambient outside temp is 112°F. That technology would provide them with a LOT more income than offering hosting ever would.
Depending on where their provider is... air conditioning may be a necessity. I'd like to see someone try to run a service on strict hydro cooling (with no air conditioned cooling of the H2O) when the ambient outside temp is 112°F. That technology would provide them with a LOT more income than offering hosting ever would.

Hydro electricity is generated by dams. We have a lot of electricity generated by the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers.

Their cooling is stated as not using air conditioners which are power guzzlers, but rather water cooling and outside temps when permitting.
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