Anybody with Xenforo on Debian 9 Stretch?


Well-known member
I know from this thread, that newest PHP should be now problem for Xenforo. But the OS contains more things, eg. MariaDB instead of MySQL and everything else is newest version too. So there might by some problems with brand new Debian 9 Stretch...

So, before I update my Debian: Is there anybody out there running Xenforo on Debian 9 successfully?
AFAIK the latest version of MariaDB will work fine with it... as will HTTP servers. You should have no issues using the latest Debian.
What specifically concerns you?
Nothing special. But since I don't know what may have changed in Debian 9, in any relation to Xenforo (DB, PHP, modules, anything) I prefer to ask before if anybody runs Xenforo on Debian 9 successfully. It's just safer ;)
Version upgrades of Debian never effected anything when I ran it (run CentOS now). If you utilize the DotDeb repository, you can always easily control which version of PHP you use. The DB aspects will should not impact either.
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