Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

After 2.3, we will introduce our new release model, where we will target a single major new feature with each release. That's not to say that other features definitely won't make it because of course they will, but instead of having a big slate of functionality to introduce with each x.y release, we'll get that one major feature done and hit the release button. The intention is that we'll have much more regular feature releases.
That is an awesome update. Thank you! It'll definitely hopefully ward off the malcontent caused by this delay.

My one concern that maybe you can elaborate on is that when 2.x was released you said updates would be quicker because of the better framework (I seen to remember something like that) but that obviously never happened. I hope that now quicker updates will finally be the case.
Honestly.... at the current level of "providence"... I'll believe it when I actually see it shown.. talk is cheap., and XF has a LARGE history when it comes to 2.3 discourse and the associated crap being fed.... and none of it has been proven yet.
I agree in principle.

However to have an explanation why the delay occurs is better than radio silence .

We now know the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train coming to run us over.
Thank you for the comms @Kier @Chris D . Ball continues to remain in the dev-court. Paying clients in the crowd will continue waiting with as much positivity as possible - we just hope to see a bit less of time gaps of official Xenforo communication, announcements, and releases. Somewhat reassuring to see this finally acknowledged by Kier, but time will tell.
What happened to the comments of @Tracy Perry?? I was reading them and suddenly they disappeared???

Is he banned from this thread???

Not a fan of this tho - although his perspective can be found negative... It also may be speaking for many due to what has been cultivated here with lack of communication. Why has he been thread-banned? That is not the correct way to moderate client review, and feedback of the situation.
Not a fan of this tho - although his perspective can be found negative... It also may be speaking for many due to what has been cultivated here with lack of communication. Why has he been thread-banned? That is not the correct way to moderate client review, and feedback of the situation.

Posting it 6 times in a row isnt feedback its thread derailment.
Posting it 6 times in a row isnt feedback its thread derailment.
Understandable, but why was not at least 1 of his posts left in this thread? Looks like XF is trying to censor any negative feedback that has been cultivated by the lack of comms, and false words here for over a year. Some people are rightfully frustrated at this point - and I believe it is okay for at least one of those posts to still remain in this thread... Just my opinion tho ofcourse.
Oh, and forum content is still king.
It looks like the more successful a forum is, the more the administrators know, that a forum software is just a foundation and new features every month won't make a forum successful.

And XF 2 is indeed a solid foundation to build a community on: I am not a pro PHP developer, but I know enough to say that XF 2 is a very good framework, that can be used to build anything community-like, when it comes to custom coding; not just a classical forum.

I am glad that @Kier and @Chris D made these statements. My only fear was, that something was going on behind the scenes, but this has been negated, obviously. A new (I assume) mobile-fist style will be great and useful new core-features as well, of course.
Understandable, but why was not at least 1 of his posts left in this thread? Looks like XF is trying to censor any negative feedback that has been cultivated by the lack of comms, and false words here for over a year. Some people are rightfully frustrated at this point - and I believe it is okay for at least one of those posts to still remain in this thread... Just my opinion tho ofcourse.

Like this one

or this one

or this one

or this one?

Or the many in the other thread of the same ilk?
[…] we'll be getting in touch with major XenForo style producers to help them get ready for the 3.0 style, so that by the time it's ready for release there should be good third party support ready to go.
We happen to program our styles ourselves. Please consider having a public resource for this so that everyone can benefit in advance, along with the group you mentioned.
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