Implemented An option to stop posts in a given forum from counting towards post count

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Suitable for Spam Rooms, this Idea is made so that in Administration area you can choose if posts made in certain Catagories / Forums are not counted, this will ensure that any spam messages are disreguraded.

It will also ensure that users don't spam their way through the Trophy system and make them post something other than spam to get to the top.

I hope you all like this idea.
I have a few spam and game forums, and people have changed ranks since switching over from vBulletin because of the posts being counted, so I'd really like this feature as well.
Really hope to see this soon with a method that will also subtract their posts already made. Members are getting furious at others abusing the spam forum.
Really hope to see this soon with a method that will also subtract their posts already made. Members are getting furious at others abusing the spam forum.
Luckily my members haven't noticed that their posts in the spam forum are being counted. I'm hoping a fix will be available before they realize it.
Really hope to see this soon with a method that will also subtract their posts already made.
I may be mistaken but I don't think Ragtek's add-on will automatically adjust post count for posts already made in designated forums.

Post counts can be adjusted in the ACP for each user on the Profile Info tab.
You would need to run queries though to identify how many posts have been made in the relevant forum to be able to adjust the post count accordingly.
I may be mistaken but I don't think Ragtek's add-on will automatically adjust post count for posts already made in designated forums.

Post counts can be adjusted in the ACP for each user on the Profile Info tab.
You would need to run queries though to identify how many posts have been made in the relevant forum to be able to adjust the post count accordingly.

Hey brogan,

Sadly the forum has 40k posts. I'd hate to install an addon, decrease everyones post count, have xenforo support this and everything bug. Is there any word of this being supported soon and will it decrease post count?
I would also be nice if there was also an option to stop LIKES given in a forum from counting toward LIKE count.

And there MUST be a way to make it retroactive... like a "Rebuild Post Counts" or "Rebuild Like Counts" button in the ACP.
And there MUST be a way to make it retroactive... like a "Rebuild Post Counts" or "Rebuild Like Counts" button in the ACP.
In my experience, you can get people to agree / understand / be happy that specific forums won't contribute to their post count on an ongoing basis, but whenever you reduce someone's existing post count you are asking for a riot.
In my experience, you can get people to agree / understand / be happy that specific forums won't contribute to their post count on an ongoing basis, but whenever you reduce someone's existing post count you are asking for a riot.

Agreed. We are countering the spam by informing users their post count will be reset to help put down the riot from our users not spamming. They seem ok knowing that their post count will not remain but you are probably right - when they see their post drop they won't still be positive towards the situation.

Looking forward to 1.2 and this feature. Thanks for the update.
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