AMP for XenForo

AMP for XenForo [Paid] 1.0.10

No permission to buy ($35.00)
It gives not much difference in visitors, bounce rate and time on site. I'm thinking a good (and fast) responsive website is more then enough and maybe a progressive web app when it is ready.
Great to hear. I'm really fed up begging for some devs to update their AMP plugin. Things move really slow with XenForo when it comes to latest standards.

Sounds to me like you need to hire a full time developer to work at your pace/request rather than waiting for multiple developers to update all the addons you are using. That would solve all the frustration you are caused by waiting for things that move slow.
Sounds to me like you need to hire a full time developer to work at your pace/request rather than waiting for multiple developers to update all the addons you are using. That would solve all the frustration you are caused by waiting for things that move slow.

We had a part time developer but he left the country unfortunately... And for the sake of upgradability, we decided to never code our own add-ons. So far, we are happy with that decision.
Via PHP, what is the best way for another add-on to determine whether this add-on's AMP-mode is currently active for a request? That way our add-on can avoid conflicts by using different templates or preventing content which is not allowed in AMP documents. Obviously testing the URL parameter ?amp=1 alone is not sufficient, because the forum might not actually have this add-on active.
I've been able to determine the following:

The appropriate test for an add-on to check for AMP-mode is to ensure all of the following:
  • Check that the URL has ?amp=1
  • Check that the add-on NixFifty_AMP is active.
  • Check that the controllerResponse has: containerParams['AMP']; and/or templateName ending in _amp. This is only true for specific forum pages.

If all of these are true for a given request, then the response will be in AMP-mode. If one or more is false, then the response will not be AMP-mode.
You will have to wait and see if the original developer sells the rights to the addon to another developer to take it over.
Ask @au lait . Maybe he will sell you a license. I have the add-on but it's not only against the law, but also my moral values to share it or sell it.

An please do join us and push XenForo team for official AMP support. Mobile is the new age and AMP is a must!

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