Amazon/eBay Parser

Amazon/eBay Parser 2.1.4

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Actually, if my memory is correct, using affiliate links in an e-mail is against the terms of service. Perhaps the best solution might be to disable links in email altogether.
I get the errors quite regularly:
View attachment 248385

They all seem to be related to RSS somehow:

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(38) "/forums/north-america.97/index.rss"
["referrer"] => bool(false)
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I just updated to PHP 8 and started to get these now. Not related to RSS though. Looks when viewing threads with ebay links it happens.
Last edited:
I was using another Ebay parser addon, but it no longer works. Can someone please confirm if this one is working? Cheers (y)
I was using another Ebay parser addon, but it no longer works. Can someone please confirm if this one is working? Cheers (y)

While waiting for an update to resolve the recent errors, I started using eBay's Smart Link snippet.

A simple line of code will convert all past, present and future links to eBay on your web pages into monetized links, complete with your tracking ID and new, compelling mobile ads to capture more mobile conversions.
WRT the "Expand and shortcode links to full URL" option: on a post with a bunch of those links, only about a quarter got converted. Any way to up the success rate?
Been so long since I set up EPN - can I use the same eBay campaign ID for every country, or do I need to sign up for each locale separately? (Just using UK at the moment)
Been so long since I set up EPN - can I use the same eBay campaign ID for every country, or do I need to sign up for each locale separately? (Just using UK at the moment)
You can definitely use the same ebay campaign ID for every country. (Unlike Amazon who makes you sign up for an account in every single country.)

The only country which doesn't work for me is Australia, there seems to be a bug in the plugin for "" links. They do not overwrite automatically. I've reported this previously...
I'm wondering if the add-on should add a tooltip saying the link is "sponsored" or something else for FTC reasons. Amazon has their knickers in a knot over my account and I got a warning today (something about my account information not matching 🤷‍♂️ which is incredibly vague) and I have five days to fix it, which means everything will be under a fine-toothed comb.

If someone posts a link and it is not unfurling (or like in the 1.x version of this add-on where there is no unfurling, which is where we would more likely need this), the FTC requires that certain text be placed very near the "advertisement" (in this case, the affiliate link). VigLink solves this by displaying a tooltip "Inserted by VigLink" or something similar.

I just wonder how hard it would be for me to add a tooltip for that sort of thing.
Hi, I think I didn't understand what this addon could do for us. All our Amazon links are displaying blank spaces now. It didn't use to be this way even when I use an Ad Blocker. So I was trying to find a solution.

Here are my details on that:

All ads on the forum are displaying without any intervention in the AdBlocker.

So that's not at all what your addon could address with an update, eh?


Can support for "{tld}" be added to the 'Wish List' for a future revision? :)

(... and then I can eliminate another manual file edit. :D)
I tried this again and had to remove it again.

The old links from and manually posted links all end up looking like which of course never takes the user to ebay.

New links work, though. (eg, get a product off ebay right now, its good)

But, i have 20 years of old ebay posts and that's where the search traffic and clicks throughs mostly come from.

AMP is also reporting broken links as a result.

example urls:

@Ozzy47 - is there any update to this ^^
I'm not sure how strict eBay is with double variables in the query string, but as it stands, if someone pastes in a URL that has already been affiliated by someone else, this addon will just append your affiliate details to the end of the link leaving the original on there.

To strip any existing, you can update Snog/Amazon/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php


        if (!empty($hrefarray['query']))
            $querybit = "?" . $hrefarray['query'];

        if (!empty($hrefarray['query']))
            // we want to strip any previous affiliate params
            $query = explode("&", $hrefarray['query']);
            $newquery = [];

            foreach($query as $param)
                [$name, $value] = explode('=', $param, 2);
                if (!in_array(urldecode($name), ['mkevt','mkcid','mkrid','siteid','customid','campid','toolid','mpt']))
                    $newquery[] = $param;

            $querybit = "?" . implode("&", $newquery);
Amazon Australia domain is -
In line 477 of Html.php (bbcode/render/) it lists domain as

        if (!empty(\XF::options()->snog_amazonparseraffiliateau))
            $affiliatearray[] =
                ['domain' => '',
                    'affiliate' => \XF::options()->snog_amazonparseraffiliateau
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