Amazon Associates not allowing use of online forum

i took 4 times but i've finally been up for a few months now without issue.

i applied under a blog site. :X
i took 4 times but i've finally been up for a few months now without issue.

i applied under a blog site. :X
Do you mean a blog under a different domain? And then just started using your forum domain?

I'm still wondering if Bob's blogs would be enough.
How would that work ?
You will only have one Amazon Associate account no matter how many websites/domains you have. Once Amazon approves your account for one domain it seems their scrutiny on additional sites under your account maybe less. Although this round about way to bypass what is already completely legal under Amazon's current rules should not be necessary.

There are forums out there legally making money off of Amazon Associates. You just need to be able to clearly show that you personally own and run the forum domain. This takes dealing with an Amazon employee who also clearly understands their own rules.
Hey guys - if you are all still having issues trying to get verified on here, then this is what I did:

(I had tried 5 times before this, always getting kicked off after the 3 sales)

As my issue was always "The website you listed is an online forum and we were unable to verify the ownership which is in violation of our Programme Policies." - for my successful attempt, I just created an XF page on my site that said "Amazon Affiliate Owner Verification - My Name - My amazon code" - then added this to the list of sites/urls in the submission section.

And finally all went through ok :)
A .txt file in root would have probably also been ok, but I was using my phone and didn't have an easy way to ftp 😊
True! Although a page in XF (not in the node list, but accessible if the URL is known) like you say is easier to set up. And actually looks more official.
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