Am I the only one using a Windows Server?


Well-known member
Am I the only one here using a Windows server (IIS) to host my PHP (and MySQL)-based websites?

Surely not?
I am on a windows server 2008 box. Well its a VM on a colo server that my friend runs for me and him :p

IIS and PHP runs good had no issues so far.
I am on a windows server 2008 box. Well its a VM on a colo server that my friend runs for me and him :p

IIS and PHP runs good had no issues so far.

There we go. The only issue I have is DNS lookups (I think that's the issue), but whatever is causing an initial load-up issue. Might run a trace later. Wordpress is slightly slower than vB 4 for some odd reason.
Am I the only one here using a Windows server (IIS) to host my PHP (and MySQL)-based websites?

Surely not?

Have a couple of sites running on a Windows box apparently, though the dude hosting the sites uses Apache rather than IIS.
Have a couple of sites running on a Windows box apparently, though the dude hosting the sites uses Apache rather than IIS.

For me, Apache is a big no-no on Windows. If he's using Windows Server 2008 / R2, I highly reccommend he switch to IIS w/ FCGI. (and WinCache for extra benefit).
if your going with windows shouldn't you go with and Microsoft SQL Server instead of PHP and MYSQL? open source with open source lol
I use Apache on windows server, and have been for years with out a hitch. You just have to really know how to configure it correctly, and assign the right permissions. It is like anything else. So far so good, it's been running rock solid.
I use Apache on windows server, and have been for years with out a hitch. You just have to really know how to configure it correctly, and assign the right permissions. It is like anything else. So far so good, it's been running rock solid.

Interesting. Whatever I do in configuration, it never matched the quality and speed I achieved, using a Linux server.
Nope. For the longest time I've been using just a standard Windows XP Professional installation running Abyss Web Server and PHP/MySQL Community Server. Hasn't failed me, but now I'm running Windows 7 on the same machine.
if your going with windows shouldn't you go with and Microsoft SQL Server instead of PHP and MYSQL? open source with open source lol

Naw you have a whole bunch of products like WAMP that allows even us lame windoze users to feel all techie and such :p

My developments boards are on a lappie (Vista, spit hiss) running a WAMP install, no pain involved there.
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