Alternative revenue stream for Kier

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
After watching a few of the "Have You Seen...?" videos, my wife was wondering whether you have any intention of branching into audio books.
Specifically for children to help with our little girl getting off to sleep at night.
Whether that means you have a boring voice or not, I couldn't say ;)

Either that or "sexy" novels for bored housewives apparently :confused:
I'm rather surprised to hear that from an English person - I thought it was just the Americans who had a thing for my voice, as they seem to find any reasonably well-spoken English accent irresistible or something, but for an English person to say the same... Well to each their own ;)
After watching a few of the "Have You Seen...?" videos, my wife was wondering whether you have any intention of branching into audio books.
Specifically for children to help with our little girl getting off to sleep at night.
Whether that means you have a boring voice or not, I couldn't say ;)

Either that or "sexy" novels for bored housewives apparently :confused:

Dude Kier reads "Twilight" ... you know it's a winner!
I'm rather surprised to hear that from an English person - I thought it was just the Americans who had a thing for my voice, as they seem to find any reasonably well-spoken English accent irresistible or something, but for an English person to say the same... Well to each their own ;)
It's not the manner of your speech, it's the sound of your voice. ;) (I'm Turkish by the way, not English :))
It's not the manner of your speech, it's the sound of your voice. ;) (I'm Turkish by the way, not English :))

Hello are you Mrs Brogan? :D

Welcome to the party
Thanks, you have a really nice eye! ;) :D

She is fine thanks, well awake at the moment, playing on her gym mat. I'm waiting for her to go to sleep so I can sleep too...:(
Thanks, you have a really nice eye! ;) :D

She is fine thanks, well awake at the moment, playing on her gym mat. I'm waiting for her to go to sleep so I can sleep too...:(

Thanks! I have two of them actually :p hehehehe

Awww.. she must be what 8 weeks now? poor you Mum, I hope she goes down soon so you can catch some ZZZ's

I agree with you about Kier's voice btw ;) Very nice! :D
She is 7 weeks 2 days old today. Still awake I'm afraid, she is normally awake until about 10pm every night and suffers from evening colic :( Very hard work! If you're a mum, I'm sure you know what I mean! ;)
She is 7 weeks 2 days old today. Still awake I'm afraid, she is normally awake until about 10pm every night and suffers from evening colic :( Very hard work! If you're a mum, I'm sure you know what I mean! ;)

Yep been there done that ;) poor little thing, my son suffered from that too :( I found massaging his tummy helped.

I am hoping one day you will share some recipes for yummy Turkish food :D
How many kids have you got? After having a baby, I would never consider having another one. It's too stressful! :confused:

I only cook basic Turkish food at home but I can send you some recipes of course. If you visit London one day, I'll take you to a nice Turkish restaurant in Canary Wharf (where I work), you'd enjoy the food there ;)
How many kids have you got? After having a baby, I would never consider having another one. It's too stressful! :confused:

I only cook basic Turkish food at home but I can send you some recipes of course. If you visit London one day, I'll take you to a nice Turkish restaurant in Canary Wharf (where I work), you'd enjoy the food there ;)

Just one.. I couldn't agree with you more :p one was enough for me lol

I am sure your food is delicious! Brogan certainly raves about it! :D

That would be fun :D I am trying to do a big trip next year, either the UK or the US, not sure which yet, but if it is the UK I will take you up on that offer! :D
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