Implemented Allow searching of soft deleted threads/posts/profile posts


Well-known member
We use search extensively to find spammers, people slinging the same crap from the same websites, etc. It was quite a shock when I realized that soft deleted threads, posts and profile posts aren't searchable by mods/admins. Digging a bit, I realized the DataWriters actually delete the soft deleted items from the search index completely.

I ended up changing that and now posts, threads and profile posts that are soft deleted are searchable by mods/admins (the system already filters them out of search results for users who can't see them normally).

But it got me thinking... Why does XF by default go out of it's way to make soft deleted items not searchable for mods/admins?
Upvote 91
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Agreed here. Although the digitalpoint add-on looks very promising and adds more to the search functionality. I've been badly burned by other add-ons dropping support here, but I know this one will be around for awhile. :agree:
I'm likely going to have a blog post up in the coming weeks about "big board" issues and what we have as a wishlist for features. I would not say that most of these are "showstoppers" though--overall, we are all impressed at how well XF handles our increasing traffic, and it will take an even larger leap in the coming weeks as we launch another feature on our site, which will be an even bigger draw. Members must find XF easier than vB to use on a daily basis, as our daily post count has jumped substantially, people are "like"-happy, and other than a few minor things, we have fewer "How do I..." requests now than we ever did.

It's just that we have little requests like this one (to search soft-deleted posts) that I'm constantly asked for by staff to make their jobs easier, and honestly I'd much rather have it be "official" and in the core product, than work with add-ons. As long as all of us "like" the first posts in all of these feature request threads, we will see more chance of it being written into the core product. And I can't blame the development team one bit--they started from scratch, and there is no possible way they could ever provide 100% of the features any of us need all at once. It'll come sooner or later...although my vote is for sooner. ;)
It sure would be great to have this in XF 1.4.

I'm really tired of reviewing recently banned users and not being able to see why they were banned because my moderators have already deleted their posts.
1.4 was already released.

There is an add-on we gladly would have paid for, if it weren't for having to pay a monthly fee for it. We prefer to pay once. We have enough small fees eating away at us. Don't need more.
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