Allow capitalisation in tags

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
I would like to allow tags to have capitals.
People ignore tags so much when they can be such a powerful way of finding content.
I'm currently planning on using tags to indicate which platforms games are available on. But having a tag of Xbox One is, when quickly glancing, much more readable than xbox one. PS5 vs ps5. It might seem like a minor difference, but honestly, I think it's important.

I understand the justification of lowercasing them being that they are then consistent.
However, if a new tag is created with a case, say Sony, and then someone creates a thread and uses a tag sony (despite the upper cased existing being suggested), then the all lower case version gets saved as the existing version with the capital S.

Searches should be case insensitive, anyway.

Is there any other problem with having cases in tags?

If not, then I request that we remove the lower case conversion and add the check to save tags as the existing case version when tags are saved in threads.
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In my forum I use tags to define themes of books and authors and the lowercase tag is not always the best.

The solution of changing the format with CSS is not a solution either because not all words should always be displayed in titlecase (although I currently use this formula because it's a little better than showing everything in lowercase)
Could you use css as a text transform? I've not tried, but it's the first thing I thought of.


div.a {
text-transform: uppercase;

div.b {
text-transform: lowercase;

div.c {
text-transform: capitalize;
¿Podrías usar CSS como transformación de texto? No lo he probado, pero es lo primero que se me ocurrió.


div.a {
transformación de texto: mayúsculas;

div.b {
transformación de texto: minúsculas;

div.c {
transformación de texto: capitalizar;

In my forum I use it, but it is not entirely useful because not all words should start with a capital letter.

For example, if I use a tag for the author of a book, I would like it to show as "Pedro de la Rosa Martínez (author)", not as "Pedro De La Rosa Martínez (Author)".
In my forum I use it, but it is not entirely useful because not all words should start with a capital letter.

For example, if I use a tag for the author of a book, I would like it to show as "Pedro de la Rosa Martínez (author)", not as "Pedro De La Rosa Martínez (Author)".
Thats true. It should definitely respect capitals - there will be use cases for caps/non caps/multiple uses per tag. It sort if fits with the old #whatever idea but has more powerful uses.
Thats true. It should definitely respect capitals - there will be use cases for caps/non caps/multiple uses per tag. It sort if fits with the old #whatever idea but has more powerful uses.
As far as I can tell, allowing capitals in tags is a relatively easy change, and I'm investigating adding that functionality to Tag Essentials.
Having multiple tags with the same letters but different capitals is harder because then you have different entries in the database and if Xenforo is using a case insensitive search of the database to match entered tags (as I suspect) then we'd have to change the search and likely more aspects of tag processing to cater for this scenario.
So my implementation would not allow multiple variants of the same letters but with different capitals.
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