Lack of interest Alert when someone quotes a post you like

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Well-known member
I'm just wondering, if you like a post do you think that you should be alerted when someone quotes it (just like the post creator)? I feel if you like a post it's because you agree with it, feel it's a nice argument or some other reason. If someone quotes it then they intend to disagree/agree with it and provide a reason why - if you like that post you probably want to hear this reply.
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As a forum owner, do you really want to refine the Alert system to the point where nobody has to bother actually reading the thread?
So if you get an alert that someone has replied to a thread? You still read the thread, you just get an alert that someone has replied to a post you liked. Kinda like on Facebook how you get notified when you like someone's status.
I don't see the need for this really. Too many alerts will overload the alert system and members will start complaining that they're getting too many alerts.
alert alert... there's an alert overload!!

Not something I would personally want :) though I can see it's uses.
As a forum owner, do you really want to refine the Alert system to the point where nobody has to bother actually reading the thread?

You would still have to visit the thread to read what was said. The alert isn't going to give the contents of the post as that would defeat the point of an alert.
You would still have to visit the thread to read what was said. The alert isn't going to give the contents of the post as that would defeat the point of an alert.

True, you'd have to visit the thread, but would most people actually read the thread - or just read the post in question and move on? That's what I'd worry about - that it would turn out to be a thread-killer. Not that I'm lobbying against it - I'm just saying.
I do think we need to make sure people actually get to read a thread :P

I'm in two minds myself, I just thought I'd brainstorm out loud.
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