XF 1.4 Alert Problem with watched threads...


Active member
So, this just bounced up in my forum. When a new reply is posted to a watched thread, the user watching that thread is not sent an alert. Alerts seem to be working for user tagging and what not, but not watched threads. I've tried disabling all add ons and that doesn't seem to help.

Is there a setting or something I could have accidentally changed?


I tested it myself. Here's how:

1. I found a thread that the user is watching.

2. I posted on that thread from my account.

3. I then logged on using a different browser to this user's account.

4. No alerts...

And apparently, I have a number of users with the same issue.
If it is only happening to some members then it could be account settings or not having read the threads.
Or possibly an add-on involved.
An update:

When a new reply is added to a watched thread, it does show up on "Unread Watched Threads" page. However, the alert is not sent to the user... I've double checked the user's alert preferences and they are as they should be.
I thought for sure that if I disabled all add ons and went to the default style that everything would work again and then I'd be stuck trying to figure out the issue from there... But I did so... I disabled all add ons and went to the default style... Still, no alerts on watched threads.

I "fixed" it sort of... In admin>options>Email Options, there is this setting:

I disabled it... and now alerts are being sent.

So I guess this is a real bug? I made sure that each account I was testing had been active...
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