Advanced Reputation System [Paid] [Deleted]

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borbole updated [1.2x] Advanced Reputation System with a new update entry:

Bug fixing and new features

In this new version a bug was fixed that prevented some users to view watched threads and new posts.

Also the following new options have been added:

1) Permissions to view reputation tab on user profiles in own profiles and/or all profiles.

2) Deleting reputation(s) button for each reputation given at the Reputation Log.

3) Added option to search/filter for reputations received by users.

4) Adding reputation point(s) when user upload avatars/update existing ones.

5) Adding reputation...

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I hope the fix borbole will provide will help me solve my problem with this add-on, which conflicts with another one of his own, being the new threads on index page add-on...
I don't want to give access to my admin account when buying an add-on, and this is what I have been asked, because the bug couldn't be reproduced byt the dev...
I hope the fix borbole will provide will help me solve my problem with this add-on, which conflicts with another one of his own, being the new threads on index page add-on...
I don't want to give access to my admin account when buying an add-on, and this is what I have been asked, because the bug couldn't be reproduced byt the dev...


That is not a bug but an in compatibility of add ons. However both add ons work fine when I tested them and I have them on use at my forum too and there is no conflict that I could see. Hence whey I asked to check it out at your forum so I could see it for myself what the issue is there. You don''t have to give access to your admin account when buying an add on but that is the only way to check out the issue.
and how are updates getting delivered?

as i havent received anything on my email where i purchased it.
borbole updated [1.2x] Advanced Reputation System with a new update entry:

A couple of new features added

In this version the following features were added.

1) Reputation Statistics page. A new page will be added that contains top x most positive positive and top x most negative posts. Also the top x users who have received positive reputations and negative reputations will be added as well. The page is group permissions accessible and it carries the post viewing permissions intact. Also user that are not allowed to use the reputation system will not be able to view the View Reputations link. You...

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when i give reputation the points are deducted from my reputation total?
in I remember reputation system called "karma" maybe?
i don't why but i keep getting this error and some other error every day due to this add one:


Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined property: XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::$params - library/Borbole/Reputation/ControllerPublic/Thread.php:17
Generated By: Jacomob, Today at 7:29 AM
Stack Trace

#0 /home/unkn0wn/public_html/forums/library/Borbole/Reputation/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(17): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined prope...', '/home/unkn0wn/p...', 17, Array)
#1 /home/unkn0wn/public_html/forums/library/VfcodersHH/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(55): Borbole_Reputation_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex()
#2 /home/unkn0wn/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): VfcodersHH_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex()
#3 /home/unkn0wn/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/unkn0wn/public_html/forums/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(68) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
Do you have a mod installed from VfcodersHH or something like that? if you do can you please disable, clear the error log and see if the error will return again?
Do you have a mod installed from VfcodersHH or something like that? if you do can you please disable, clear the error log and see if the error will return again?
o i do have it but i need it since it is used to protect some of my rare content from leachers, is there no way to make it compatible with this mod?
o i do have it but i need it since it is used to protect some of my rare content from leachers, is there no way to make it compatible with this mod?

I am not familiar with that other mod. Anyway, would you mind to pm me the info to your forum and I can take a look.
Any possibility to give a "medal" /"badge" /"trophy" ?

The mod has a rep criteria built in so if that is full filled then users will receive a trophy set by the admin for that particular criteria.

For the rest, if you would like to integrate this with other third party mod like "medal" /"badge" that you mentioned, I can add that for an extra fee for you.
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