Advanced BBCode Permissions


Well-known member
I think Xenforo need this option

When you add or edit a custom BBCode, you will be able to set permissions for:

Forums it can be used in.
Forums it can't be used in.
Groups it can be used by.
Groups it can't be used by.
Groups that it can be viewed by.
Separate replacement for groups that cannot view it.

If the user must be a moderator to use it.
If the user must moderate the forum they are posting it in to use it.
If the user must be an administrator.

This will allow you to create BBCodes for moderators, administrators, and some for certain forums only.
Upvote 52
I really like the idea of being able to restrict BBCodes to certain groups.

To keep the suggestion small, just allowing us to restrict it to certain subforums or certain groups would do the trick. Many of the other options would be simulatable by allowing us to restrict it certain groups.
Any developer intersted to develop this one, i am not offer any money, but if any developer release this one like paid i purchase it!!
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