Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

Thank you to Matthew for allowing me to access his site to narrow down the problem.

I've issued an update today that fixes the forum not found error when only report by PM is selected for an application.

Those who have purchased this add-on, please check your PayPal email for the download link.
Can you choose options to only display if this option is checked. For example if I have a multiple choice, and I click option a then this text box (or something else) will show.

Can I do that?

If not, I would REALLY like that to be available.
Can you choose options to only display if this option is checked. For example if I have a multiple choice, and I click option a then this text box (or something else) will show.

Can I do that?

If not, I would REALLY like that to be available.
Sorry, that's not possible.

To do that, I'd have to rewrite almost all of the processing code for when an application is submitted and do some new coding for the templates to include javascript.
I do keep a wish list for my mods and I have added it to the wish list. That doesn't mean it will ever get done, but it does mean I look at it from time to time to see if it's feasible at a later date.
Missing argument 5 for Snog_Applications_Helper_DataWriter::createConversation(),
I keep getting this error and I'm Completely at blank here.
Missing argument 5 for Snog_Applications_Helper_DataWriter::createConversation(),
I keep getting this error and I'm Completely at blank here.
I can't seem to duplicate this error.

Could you send me all of your settings for the application you're getting the error with? Or, if possible send me a temporary admin username and password so I can look at your setup directly.
Is there a setting to enter list of email addresses of recipients who will get a copy of the form submission?
Have you considered to expand this into a surveys system?
All it needs is a statistics part.
Actually there's a little more to it.

Since the answers aren't saved in the database, there would have to be a lot of coding changes to compile the statistics and possibly save the answers in the database separately from the posts.

I will put this on the wish list for this add-on.
XenForo 1.2.2

if into admincp on Show in Sidebar: disabled nothing show via navbar

staff-acp.webp staff-navbar.webp

also get some error message:

ErrorException: Undefined variable: type - library\Snog\Applications\ControllerPublic\Application.php:411
Generated By: admin, 9 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 C:\Temp\www\library\Snog\Applications\ControllerPublic\Application.php(411): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', 'C:\Temp\www\...', 411, Array)
#1 C:\Temp\www\library\XenForo\FrontController.php(337): Snog_Applications_ControllerPublic_Application->actionTypes()
#2 C:\Temp\www\library\XenForo\FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 C:\Temp\www\index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(75) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(2) {
    ["applicationform/types/"] => string(0) ""
    ["appid"] => string(1) "1"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
Last edited:
XenForo 1.2.2

if into admincp on Show in Sidebar: disabled nothing show via navbar
Thank you for reporting this.

I know what the problem is, but due to commitments today I may not be able to fix it until Monday.
I have two relatively simple questions regarding the appearance of the form when converted into a thread.

  1. Is it possible to remove the colon after each question, so it is
    How are you today?
    instead of
    How are you today?:
  2. Is it possible to get the answers on a different line to the question, so it is
    What is your name?
    My name is Bill.
    instead of
    What is your name? My name is Bill.

Even if these things can't be achieved, I'd like to commend you on a great add-on. It'll serve my website well!
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