Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Targeting text ads to "Thread List Below Stickies" to specific forums (page criteria) does not work. Its either all forums or broken if I try and target a forum.

After hours of struggling, I've come to the conclusion it must need improvement. If there is a way to target specific text ads to "Thread List Below Stickies", please help me do this.
"Thread List Below Stickies" it's a default XF position and for some reason it's missing the navigation param used in criteria. I will have to do some workaround to make it work with it.
"Thread List Below Stickies" it's a default XF position and for some reason it's missing the navigation param used in criteria. I will have to do some workaround to make it work with it.
Good to know! :confused: I was going nuts trying to figure out why this wasn't working. Please please> How soon can you do this ? and thank you (y)
In your admin options, try removing px from your custom sizes and then edit the package, select the updated size and save.
Is that your site header loading in place of the adsense ad? o_O I don't see how that could happen since Ads Manager doesn't change the source code of custom code ads.
Are you using any add-ons that messes with the javascript? When that happens, please take a look in the browser console to see if there are any errors.
I want to change the Stripe payment button from "Pay with Stripe" to Pay with Credit Card.

This is because I have had advertisers confused thinking that they must have an account with stripe.

The phrase itself won't let me change this as the payment method is {option}
How do I set the rotation time between packages?

I have two packages in the same position, e.g. package A and package B. There is a setting for rotation time for the ads within a package, but what determines when the package changes from package A to package B?
want to change the Stripe payment button from "Pay with Stripe" to Pay with Credit Card.
You can change the text in siropu_ads_manager_payment_option_stripe template. The value you want to replace is: {xen:phrase siropu_ads_manager_pay_with, 'option=Stripe'}
I will add individual phrases for each option in the next release.

How do I set the rotation time between packages?
If you are using two packages of the same type in the same position, they become one unit. Why using two packages?
I'm using above top breadcrumbs (ad_above_top_breadcrumb), however I do want the packages (or the ads) to be in the same position, but just have control over the speed at which they rotate.
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