Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Use the user criteria option "User is browsing with the following style".

Thanks. Just figured it out. Is there a user manual ?

I'm testing things out and can't seem to get it to work.

My test is a code ad, and I just put "Xyz" in the box for code, so I can identify if it's working.

I selected below top breadcrumb.

But I don't see it working like I did on your test site.
I created a new code ad and in user criteria I checked is logged in, and below that I selected "temery" (me) as username is. In device criteria I checked all three. Everything else is unchanged.

What else do I need to do?


  • image.webp
    61.6 KB · Views: 8
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Ah. Think I've got it. I'll get back to you if it doesn't work. Thank you for your patience.

Edit: All set. Thanks!
Question: how do I place an add in a thread after the 5th reply?

Also - a bug. I have a forum that doesn't meet Adsense guidelines, so I have visitors to the forum sent to a style with no ads (via "override user style choice"). The override works, but there are ads carried over from ads manager.

If you go to then to the "cesspool" you'll see what I mean. If you change your style to AO (not using ads manager) then go to the cesspool, the ads disappear. Not a major bug, but I figured I'd let you know.
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Question: how do I place an add in a thread after the 5th reply?
Use the position "After Post x Container (Can be used with "Item ID" option)" and in position criteria add 5 in "Item ID" option.

As for the "no ads style", if that style has the hooks used by Ads Manager, the ads will show up. There are also custom positions added using template modifications.

In the next release you can use page criteria to exclude certain forums/nodes but display the ads on other non-forum pages.
Next question: how does the "U" flag work? I want to aet this up to show the ad at the next unread reply, but I'm not sure how to use it. Which position do I select?
Siropu updated Ads Manager by Siropu with a new update entry:

New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes

Embed Ads
Admins have now the option to embed ads outside of xenforo. You can embed individual ads or ads from a certain package.

New Ad Type: Featured Resource
If you have Resource Manager Add-on installed, you can now sell featured resources. As with stiky ads, you can specify different prices based on resource category and you can sell only in selected categories.

26 new positions for Resource Manager and Media Gallery

Special Positions for RM:
  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Forgot to mention 2 improvements:
  • New position criteria options: Thread ID is NOT, Thread Tag is NOT, Keyword is NOT
  • Added option to display ads outside of selected nodes in page criteria "Page is NOT Within Nodes".
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