Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
We just upgraded to the last release and apparently the code ads show the tag <xf:comment></xf:comment>
instead of hiding their contents.
Can we use xf page caching if we use this? If so, any special 'onsetup' variable required?
If the entire HTML page is cached, it will cache the ads as well and criteria will not work anymore.

Any chance you'd be willing to add the option to let members dismiss code package ads?
No plans for that at this point.

We just upgraded to the last release and apparently the code ads show the tag <xf:comment></xf:comment>
instead of hiding their contents.
Don't see any issues with that in my tests.
Love the mod, and sorry if asked before, but is there any way to have a single ad display in the middle of a forum thread list and a thread view list?even 10th down would be good. The 5th down almost works but keeps displaying over and over but I need it only once. Maybe I can edit a file to make 5th down be 10th down and no repeat? Thanks
"Below thread list item x container"

"Below thread post x container"

then use Position criteria -> Item ID
Interesting, so if I put "10" then it will display on 10th item, but will it keep repeating? Is there a way to have it serve only once? Thanks!

Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 2.48.18 PM.webp
Ok, I just bought this without using my head. I want to place specific banners above specific nodes. Not the node list. Is that possible?
If I understand you correctly, yes. You need to select the right ad position and then when you configure the package or ad, you need to setup the ID criteria.


Item ID should be the node/forum ID number.

i.e. << The ID number for this section is 23, so the ad would appear for this node - This applies to nodes, thread, etc.
Siropu updated Ads Manager 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added keyword/affiliate ad type support for DBTech eCommerce product description & specifications.
Made adblock detection improvements for Google ad manager ads.
Made changes to the email banner ads to be responsive.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed a potential error when bookmarking pages.
Ad renewal issue where there is a chance to have the ad activated when there are no empty slots available.
Issue with ads in thread view between posts with some thread types.
Package phrase discrepancy with a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
If I understand you correctly, yes. You need to select the right ad position and then when you configure the package or ad, you need to setup the ID criteria.

View attachment 267134

Item ID should be the node/forum ID number.

i.e. << The ID number for this section is 23, so the ad would appear for this node - This applies to nodes, thread, etc.
I tried that but not working. Is it Node List Below Node X Title?

I tried that but not working. Is it Node List Below Node X Title?

Before I go further, there's a couple of steps you need to check to make sure you can actually see the ads. After you install the ads manager, you need to enable permissions. One set of permissions for managing the ads and another to view the ads. IIRC, you still need to enable ads to be viewable to visitors. (Check your basic permissions for registered members and those for admins)

There is some effort to get the basics setup, but once that's done, it's fairly straightforward.
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Before I go further, there's a couple of steps you need to check to make sure you can actually see the ads. After you install the ads manager, you need to enable permissions. One set of permissions for managing the ads and another to view the ads. IIRC, you still need to enable ads to be viewable to visitors. (Check your basic permissions for registered members and those for admins)

There is some effort to get the basics setup, but once that's done, it's fairly straightforward.

I've setup a couple of examples on my demo site: < From the main page, you can see some example banners in the demonstration area. (Banners in above node title, below node title and below container) < This has a banner at at the top of a thread list in a node.
I've been using the light version for awhile now. I see the other ads, just not the nodes but I will check permissions.. Thanks
I've been using the light version for awhile now. I see the other ads, just not the nodes but I will check permissions.. Thanks
Understood. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't work. And, I wasn't sure what your experience level was... I've learned over the years to check basic items first since they are commonly missed. (Is it pugged in? 😅)
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