Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
You could set it up so one of the packages (the free one) only displays to members of a certain usergroup, which is auto assigned when someone does an upgrade to their membership.
You could set it up so one of the packages (the free one) only displays to members of a certain usergroup, which is auto assigned when someone does an upgrade to their membership.
Yeah that's what I have been trying, the only thing is it creates another banner below the other one being listed. Almsot like it just creates another location right below the other xD

I basically want to just add in the free option to upgraded users that adds it to the currently paid package instead of it creating a seperate package listed below.

does that make sense?...i feel like i worded it confusing
Actually, you have a point. I didnt think of that, if it was for the same location.

I use a similar way (usergroup) to give them access to begin with, to see the ADS MANAGER option. (I pre screen vendors before they have access to pay for an ad)

Another method could be to set up a special coupon code that will discount the ad to be free.

Siropu may have a better solution!
Actually, you have a point. I didnt think of that, if it was for the same location.

I use a similar way (usergroup) to give them access to begin with, to see the ADS MANAGER option. (I pre screen vendors before they have access to pay for an ad)

Another method could be to set up a special coupon code that will discount the ad to be free
coupon code would be legit. I just don't want them to spread the code around. Unless there is a way to limit the code to ONLY be usable by that upgraded user group??
Also, seperate note. I added the location for the what's new profile posts section (using the what's new widget as my home page like Twitter/Facebook etc)

How do I get it to only post an ad after every 3 profile posts?
Use the popup ad type.

If the user is added to a custom user group, you can add a promo code with a 100% discount for that group in Ads Manager.
@Siropu gotcha.
So a user bought the 12 month ad, what if they cancel their membership next month? does the ad still stay or is it removed? In the code settings, i checked the box that said "the criterion is always met"
So a user bought the 12 month ad, what if they cancel their membership next month?
Ads Manager has nothing to do with that. The promo code works basically when applied if the user is in the selected user group(s).

Any word on this?
Are you trying to display ads in the profile posts widget? It doesn't work with that widget. You can only display them in between posts on the profile page.
Ads Manager has nothing to do with that. The promo code works basically when applied if the user is in the selected user group(s).

Are you trying to display ads in the profile posts widget? It doesn't work with that widget. You can only display them in between posts on the profile page.
Not the widget, but the what's new profile page. I am using that page as my main page

And okay I will just have to limit the user from posting an ad longer than 1 month or just monitor it
Hi everyone,

Since I migrated to Xenforo 2.2 and in last Ads Manager 2 release, I have an issue regarding the position "Above Last Thread Post Content" when displayed in threads having the "Question" type.
Instead of having the ad displayed in the last post, it is displayed in the post before.
The exact same ad displays correctly in the last post for "Discussions" types thread.
So it seems to be a bug relative to "Question" threads only.

Do you have a solution for displaying the ad in the last thread post as usual even for "Question" thread types?


Is it possible to have an 88x33 (desktop) or larger (mobile) be in the position to sponsor categories as seen below? And, if not, is this something that you would be willing to entertain?

(Example of a 33x88 button sponsoring the "Public forums" forum on XF)
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