AdminCP Firewall

AdminCP Firewall 1.4.2

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so now the firewall is always on? since the firewall option is gone?

and to turn off firewall one must disable the add one right?

as for the email names i kind of like it when i get the email and i know who is logging in. are you saying this new update totally removes this?
i get two emails saying this with the code, i think its not suppose to be like that:



shouldn't it be 1 email?

and not this weird code <a href=

there should be no html code visible.
I was going to download this Addon but when I went to developer's website it asked for my forum API Key and the forum URL. Do I really need to provide you with this info just to register on your site?
I was going to download this Addon but when I went to developer's website it asked for my forum API Key and the forum URL. Do I really need to provide you with this info just to register on your site?

That proves you own a license. Piracy prevention. is what I use, using an addon I made myself, available to view here and download on my site like my others.

so now the firewall is always on? since the firewall option is gone?

and to turn off firewall one must disable the add one right?

as for the email names i kind of like it when i get the email and i know who is logging in. are you saying this new update totally removes this?

This update adds names to emails where they didn't used to be. I'll be fixing the non-working links soon.

As per the 2 emails, that is correct. One for the successful login, one for the login from a non white listed IP.

11111111.webp access error. In the list of three IP addresses access

"The user админ has attempted to login to the admin control panel using the non whitelisted IP If you deny access to non-whitelisted IP's, the user has been denied access."
done ... complet deleted from directory and database.

another test...
I can install it complet, but i become a blank white screen. When i then delete the files from library directory, then i can set all settings and my Forum runs like a charm. When i now copy again the files from the addon in the library directory... then i have again only a white site.
Delete i now the addon files again - i can see my forum/acp again normaly...

I have also this error in my log:
Fehlermeldung des Servers
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'LiamW_Shared_Branding' not found - library/LiamW/AdminCPFirewall/Addon.php:13
Generiert durch: Unbekanntes Benutzerkonto, Vor 5 Minuten
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Benötigter Status
array(3) {
["url"] => string(48) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["users/"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
But i have nothing removed?! And now?

Edit2: when i delete line 13, then it runs. But who is the missed class?
Two other addons from works normaly. (alter ego detector and usergroup member count)

Any idea? o_O
Last edited:
done ... complet deleted from directory and database.

another test...
I can install it complet, but i become a blank white screen. When i then delete the files from library directory, then i can set all settings and my Forum runs like a charm. When i now copy again the files from the addon in the library directory... then i have again only a white site.
Delete i now the addon files again - i can see my forum/acp again normaly...

I have also this error in my log:

But i have nothing removed?! And now?

Edit2: when i delete line 13, then it runs. But who is the missed class?
Two other addons from works normaly. (alter ego detector and usergroup member count)

Any idea? o_O

Yes, I forgot to add the shared files to the archive. I'll reupload the ZIP :)

I think I'd be prone to use this addon if static IP handling was done in a more user friendly way than manually going in every time and doing this;

define('DISABLEIPDENY', true);
I think I'd be prone to use this addon if static IP handling was done in a more user friendly way than manually going in every time and doing this;

define('DISABLEIPDENY', true);

It is. Don't enable IP based denying if you don't have a static IP. Simples.
I just installed this on my site and now I'm getting the following error...

Fatal error: Call to undefined method LiamW_Shared_Branding::addHelper() in /home/site/public_html/v35/library/LiamW/AdminCPFirewall/Addon.php on line 13

I cant access the frontend or the ACP
I just installed this on my site and now I'm getting the following error...

Fatal error: Call to undefined method LiamW_Shared_Branding::addHelper() in /home/site/public_html/v35/library/LiamW/AdminCPFirewall/Addon.php on line 13

I cant access the frontend or the ACP

Remove the line from the library/LiamW/AdminCPFirewall/Addon.php that has addHelper() in it.

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