XF 1.2 Admin Permissions: Manage users and moderators


Active member
The manual seems to sum up all of the Administrator permissions with:

"The various administrator permissions available to grant are generally self-explanatory in nature."

Yeah, nah.

Can anybody tell me exactly what permissions are granted with "Manage users and moderators"?

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help.
It lets them, umm, manage (edit, delete, view, etc) users and moderators. I'm not sure what specific element you're wondering about?
A map of permissions to menu options would be great.

Right now I have one Super Mod who can see what I have allowed him to see PLUS

Tools Tab:
-> File Health Check
-> Test Facebook Integration

NFI where he got those permissions or even if they have permission settings attached.
Right now I have one Super Mod who can...
You mean Administrator.
Members must be promoted to Administrator in order to access the ACP.

Some options in the ACP aren't connected to permissions and are available to all administrators.

The quickest way to find out which permissions grant which options is to go through each one on a test installation.
You mean Administrator.
Members must be promoted to Administrator in order to access the ACP.

Some options in the ACP aren't connected to permissions and are available to all administrators.
Super Moderator in my list. Had to create it as we have about 100 mods so a few levels - spec mod/mod/super-mod/admin/super admin. Pretty hacky way to do it but the XF system is less flexible than others.
The quickest way to find out which permissions grant which options is to go through each one on a test installation.
Quickest way would be to have proper doco to read.

Longest way is test each option and write my own documentation. Which is what we'll have to do.
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