[AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

I've been waiting 2 months on a ticket I submitted, so not sure how well contacting them for anything is worth it now.

The support is tragic, so they even don't want demos from them, which I've been waiting for a few days and I suspect that I will wait longer.
Does anyone else have issues where the awards are not properly awarded? Even after manually running the corn entry, it doesn't seem to award users for awards based on a usergroup or for specific usernames.
If you want anything extra, you can style it with CSS.
Even if you aren't using this add-on, you can also just go into user title ladder, which allows html, and add something like this:
<img src="/forum_name/img/newbie.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">

It is a trick I've used on various forum software to get around post rank issues.

Then you can style the css in extra.less:
.ldr-css {
display: block;

The code above for example would apply a line break.

In this example, I use a key to categorize my ranks, which helps when saving images:
  • The first number means rank set number
  • The second number means rank number
  • The third number is the percentage progress of rank
Then in the user title ladder:
TitleMinimum value
<img src="/forum_name/img/newbie.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">0
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-15.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">15
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-30.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">30
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-45.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">45
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-60.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">60
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-75.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">75
<img src="/forum_name/img/0-1-90.png" alt="Newbie" title="Newbie" class="ldr-css">100
<img src="/forum_name/img/explorer.png" alt="Explorer" title="Explorer" class="ldr-css">101

I like to create rank images for my community:
Just moved to XenForo. So I only really have time for my own forum right now, so can't do much of a walkthrough.

Though in the one above, I use a layer of partly transparent white stripes over progress bar, and under that I put a color gradient.
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Put in the exact url that I use for XenForo after purchasing and installing this add on, and the add on claims the add on license isn't valid.

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Quick quesition Is this compatible with the latest update 2.2.5? Don't want to update if it breaks I'm running 1.4 currently of the addon

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