[AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

Hi, after installing the plugin, I notice a problem: when I browse the profile and click on the awards tab, an error message appears:

Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

I tried to rebuild the add-on but the problem persists. How can I solve?


  • D67F2DD2-AFEF-40FB-AD72-D9ADF595F707.webp
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I can't get to show icons on the postbit
Looks like this was due to a user group permission misconfiguration

if I buy this add-on (which I was planning on the 1st of next month) can I have access to the Xenforo 2.1 version as well as 2.2?
Yup :)

Also: Is there some kind of a leaderboard (per Level / Award Points)?
It's planned for a future release

Hello, I was wondering if I could propose a suggestion? I would be willing to possibly purchase this in the near future if you made it to where awards are displayed in the signatures of posts. Thank you for reading :)
We'll look into adding this

Hi, after installing the plugin, I notice a problem: when I browse the profile and click on the awards tab, an error message appears:
Replied to your ticket. Seems to be an issue with the server
Just got this and trying it out on a new xenfocus theme on my test site and getting this that's breaking things up only on that xenfocus skin:


bad upload maybe? and my settings should be fine.
Hey @AddonFlare I just bought this add-on under the username TopSilver. The email used is b.padgett2010@yahoo.com and the license isn't showing up in licenses so I can't download it. Not sure why. I paid for the add-on and it even shows in paypal that it's been paid for. I'm not sure if it has to be manually approved or what. Can you get back to me and let me know what's going on? Thanks.
Hey @AddonFlare I just bought this add-on under the username TopSilver. The email used is b.padgett2010@yahoo.com and the license isn't showing up in licenses so I can't download it. Not sure why. I paid for the add-on and it even shows in paypal that it's been paid for. I'm not sure if it has to be manually approved or what. Can you get back to me and let me know what's going on? Thanks.
I have the same issue but with a different add-on of his. I bought tonight and not been able to use it.
@Brad P thanks for the message. Hopefully he gets back to us tonight. I don't think Sunday is ordinary business hours. I wanted to set this up since their may be a couple hours down time on my site from having to import from bd medal.
bad upload maybe? and my settings should be fine.
Please open a ticket on our site with an admin login we can use to take a look

Please get back to me @AddonFlare I purchased the add-on this morning but still cannot use it after almost 5 hours.

Regards, Brad
I have the same issue but with a different add-on of his. I bought tonight and not been able to use it.

There was an issue with IPN notifications on PayPal's end, the licenses you purchased are now on your accounts. Sorry for the wait
Hey thank you @AddonFlare I have it setup on my site now. [bd] Medal import went smoothly and I'm also using the leveling system. I like it.

I have one question and 1 possible feature request. My question is how can I get all the awards to display on the profile unless there are over a certain amount like 20-30 which I don't think is too much. For me, when I go to a users profile, there's only 1 award under each category and the only way to see the rest is to click the title which opens in a overlay. Possibly I can edit a template to not use the overlay option but to just show them? I'm going to look around and see what I can find. Any tips appreciated.

I had 1 feature request that you may or may not find to be a good one and that's to have an option for a users award request/recommendation to be made into a thread in a specified forum. We had an award request forum. I thought it would be a nice option for the staff team to discuss whether or not the user deserved the award. Of course I always had that forum set to private that only the staff could see.

Many thanks.
@AddonFlare if you could just give me the code so that more than one image comes up on the profile or so that I can have at least 20 show on the page if a user has that many I would really appreciate it. The template I have found to edit is af_as_user_award_list and this is the code (the only code) I'm positive I need to change below:

<xf:foreach loop="$userAwards" value="$userAward">
    <div class="block block--close">
        <div class="block-container">
            <h3 class="block-header"><a data-xf-click="overlay" href="{{ link('award-system/user/awards/category', null, {'user': $user.user_id, 'category': $userAward.Award.award_category_id}) }}">{{ $userAward.Award.Category ? $userAward.Award.Category.title : phrase('af_as_award_cat_title.uncategorized') }}</a></h3>
            <div class="block-body block-row">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <div class="contentRow-figure contentRow-figure--fixedSmall">
                        {{ award_image($userAward.Award) }}
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header">{$userAward.Award.title}</h2>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">{{ phrase('af_as_points:') }} {$userAward.Award.award_points}</div>
                        <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.is_admin OR $xf.visitor.user_id == $userAward.user_id">
                            <div class="contentRow-snippet">
                                {{ phrase('af_as_issue_reason:') }}

                        <div class="contentRow-minor contentRow-minor--hideLinks">
                            <ul class="listInline listInline--bullet">
                                <xf:if is="$user.user_id != $userAward.User.user_id">
                                    <li><xf:username user="{$userAward.User}" /></li>
                    <div class="contentRow-extra">
                        <xf:date time="{$userAward.date_received}" />

The top part is what I would need to change. I can undo the block-headers and fix the per category myself. The only thing I need your help with is a few lines of code above that need changing (to show 20 or less awards for example). This code right here is what gets the image to appear -> {{ award_image($userAward.Award) }}. If I put more then one of those it shows the same award.

Thanks if at all possible to help. I have no other questions about the add-on. Everything else I know how to do. Thank you
For me, when I go to a users profile, there's only 1 award under each category and the only way to see the rest is to click the title which opens in a overlay. Possibly I can edit a template to not use the overlay option but to just show them? I'm going to look around and see what I can find.
This will also require changes to PHP files, the reason why only the latest award received for each category is shown is that a user can have multiple awards from multiple categories, and showing all of them on the same page would be messy.

I had 1 feature request that you may or may not find to be a good one and that's to have an option for a users award request/recommendation to be made into a thread in a specified forum.
Thanks for the suggestion, we'll add it to the list!
This will also require changes to PHP files, the reason why only the latest award received for each category is shown is that a user can have multiple awards from multiple categories, and showing all of them on the same page would be messy.

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll add it to the list!

Is there at least a way to choose which award displays though under the category? On my end it seems to be random. To me that's messier then if I had 20 awards displayed on the profile page. Or where you could at least choose the top 10-20 to display by choice a pick the top ones to display.

Also are you sure I would have to edit a php file because that's something I wouldn't do. Even considering anything in the template can be edited? Seems it would work if I found the param variable for award and referenced it like this {$award} as an example.

I wouldn't mind them being categorized if that's what you meant by php files. Being categorized is fine. I just want my users to be able to display more then one. I appreciate your help.
Just updated to XF 2.2 and latest Awards build.

I have an issue where my old awards are stuck on the postbit and do not disappear even though they are not showing under the awards tab and the trophy has been removed. It's a pretty serious issue as I have a number of trophy/awards that are based on userfield selections and when those userfields are unselected the awards remain.

I continue to not receive support(I have opened a ticket)
I am sorry to report it here but this is really bad service
Hello, im seeming to have an issue with awards on the profile. It only shows one award..
Clicking on the category title will show the rest

It's a pretty serious issue as I have a number of trophy/awards that are based on userfield selections and when those userfields are unselected the awards remain.
Awards are only automatically given using trophy criteria, they're not removed when that criteria does no longer match. Trophies don't do this either

I continue to not receive support(I have opened a ticket)
Your ticket is being worked on, we have to write a script to fix your scenario. The holidays added to the time, but it will be done soon
This will also require changes to PHP files, the reason why only the latest award received for each category is shown is that a user can have multiple awards from multiple categories, and showing all of them on the same page would be messy.

Of course if you're going to display ALL the awards available for each category even when they haven't been awarded to the user specifically then it's going to look messy.

There's no need to display them like this:

Just display the ones they've actually received.

If this is something you don't want changing then at least offer an option for those of us who do. There's a few requests and confusions about this matter. Please allow us to display all awards if we want to.
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