Lack of interest Add keyboard shortcut to increase and decrease font size in editor

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Well-known member
Froala doesn't seem to have this by default

But it would be nice if you could inrease and decrease the font size using the keybaord

The common shortcut for this is

ctrl + shift + >
ctrl + shift + <

Which would bump it up and down a level each time you tap the < or > while holding ctrl + shift
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I believe shortcuts for font size only apply in word processors not on text editor in a browser.

On Mac it's even easier (CMP and + or -) however once you are on a browser this applies to magnifying the browser.

I'm actually happy that it is not so easy here, I imagine too much of a temptation for users to keep changing size.
I believe shortcuts for font size only apply in word processors not on text editor in a browser.

That's my point, it's a common shortcut for manipulating text in other apps, Word, Wordpad, Photoshop. It would be very useful to be able to use it in the XF text editor.

On Mac it's even easier (CMP and + or -) however once you are on a browser this applies to magnifying the browser.

This has nothing to do with changing the editor font size, this is to do with browser zoom, as you've stated.

I'm actually happy that it is not so easy here, I imagine too much of a temptation for users to keep changing size.

If you want to create rich text posts with structure and heirarchy it's useful. Users can still change font size with the editor buttons or copy and past different font sizes if they're that desperate to do what you've used as an example. This is for power users who feel comfortable manipulating and navigating text with keyboard shortcuts. To make it easier and quicker to write better structured and formatted long form posts, the opposite of your example.
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This has nothing to do with changing the editor font size, this is to do with browser zoom, as you've stated.

No, the shortcut I mentioned (CMD and + or -) does change font size in word processors. But is the same shortcut for browser magnification. Hence there will be some conflict on Macs.

If you want to create rich text posts with structure and hierarchy it's useful. Users can still change font size with the editor buttons or copy and past different font sizes if they're that desperate to do what you've used as an example. This is for power users who feel comfortable manipulating and navigating text with keyboard shortcuts. To make it easier and quicker to write better structured and formatted long form posts, the opposite of your example

I agree that it would be good to structure posts, and hence I have bbcode for h2, h3, h4 etc. Outside of headings, I don't see a lot of structure applied by font size. In fact I believe search engines will appreciate actual heading tags (along with their inherent sizes) as more useful than merely changing font size for heading structure.

I have done that with Xenforo and to be honest it's a pain trying to remember what actual size a sub sub heading is, so using h3 or h4 via bbcode is better from my user experience.
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