Active Directory

Ian Tasker

New member
Hi All,

Can you authenticate Xenforo users with active directory?
If not
  • is this planned?
  • are there hooks for the authentication process so i could write my own integration?

Also is the source code open or closed? I would hope that is open so i could modify bits and post back to the community.
LDAP authentication comes up every so often, but it isn't an option we provide yet. In theory, you could override the login procedure entirely and create accounts based on data in AD.

All customers get access to the source code.
We are working on dev docs, but they'll appear over time - the resources are mostly in the dev tutorials and questions forums at this point. Though regardless, you will need to dive into the code, as you'd be looking at overriding particular behaviors, so you'll have to handle some of them in your own way.
I think that LDAP should be part of the core. I know it's not a HUGE demand...but that's probably because xenforo is new..and companies/edu's don't want to use something new. So, that being said, people that run independant boards don't need LDAP. Seems to be a catch 22. Wouldn't you want, as a company selling forums software to have companies/edu's buying your software?

I work at an edu, and LDAP is a must for all of our software. This is the one thing keeping me from buying xenforo. If moodle can do LDAP with just a couple clicks of a mouse, certainly the great coders at xenforo could throw something together.

Not to get too critical, as I know the coders are busy with other things that the customers want, but even phpbb has LDAP built in. Odd that the best coders in the world here at xen don't want it, or perhaps, don't have it on a high priority list?

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