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[Aayush] Hide Hack v1 1.5.3

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How do I update this? Re-upload the files and also import the new xml?
Re-upload files and from your control panel, go to "list add-ons". Find the add-on you are upgrading, expand the "controls" menu and select "upgrade". Upload the XML file that is provided with the add-on and submit the form.
Re-upload files and from your control panel, go to "list add-ons". Find the add-on you are upgrading, expand the "controls" menu and select "upgrade". Upload the XML file that is provided with the add-on and submit the form.
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I am getting this kind of error in xenforo server error log:

ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - library/VfcodersHH/ControllerPublic/Member.php:8
Generated By: Unknown account, Pre 6 minuta
Hello, could you tell me how I can set my Custom BB Code [FILE] to works like [HIDE-THANKS]?
@Aayush Agrawal , pls help me

I using this add-ons, but I see this error so serious.

Hide Tag is hidden content if member login or register account.
Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 11.24.19 AM.webp

But when they don't login or don't register, Hide Tag not hidden content.
Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 11.24.33 AM.webp

Pls fix it asap, thanks u!
also in the future maybe you can change buttons to fit in editor like default butons, and when mouse0ver it to show purpose
Can you please please tell me how to change the color to the text and make the boxes more darker please?


This plugin is really tempermental. I made one "staff" group for all my staff members, and it still doesn't show to certain people for some reason.
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