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[Aayush] Hide Hack v1 1.5.3

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@wedge1001 : thank you, you are genius :D
So i've replaced like you instructed in my
I will verify on my forum, and i will update the result here :)

@Nirjonadda : if im not mistaken, you can replace those modification only in


UPDATE #1 : in my busy forum, i get memory exhausted error LOL.
I wonder if this code adds additional query or not
$this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Like')->getContentLikes('post', $postid );
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UPDATE #1 : in my busy forum, i get memory exhausted error LOL.
I wonder if this code adds additional query or not
$this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Like')->getContentLikes('post', $postid );
the number of queries is the same, but instead of only getting the last 5 results, you will get all. Thus the query takes a bit longer.
Not sure why you get an memory-exhausted error. Perhaps you have a really huge linkes-Database and the query is taking a lot more time.
Unfortunately you can't cache this further, since you want to show the content on new likes.
Do you have some error logs? Perhaps we can tweak the database a little bit
Sometimes a post in my forum receives more than 1k likes, and my total posts are > 6 million. Maybe that's why it took lot more time?

Thank you.

the posts number itself isn't a problem.
For each post in the viewing thread an additional query is required. (as it was in the original Version)

I've tryied to change the behaviour how likes are handled by the system and changed the query to get the explicit like a user could have given.

I've uploaded my changes to a git-repo here:
if you want to do a manual update of the files changed, update :
from the sources

It should work, but until now I haven't had the time to check this in a production system.
So perhaps there is still some error, I haven't found yet.
I've uploaded my changes to a git-repo here
Thank you, i have checked your source, and i found that :
1, in parse.php line 345, there is a var dump which should be commented.

Update 2 :
I use word count search by @Xon , and i got this error :

Error: Call to undefined method SV_WordCountSearch_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread::_getAllLikes() - library/VfcodersHH/ControllerPublic/Thread.php:53
Generated By: xxxx

Stack Trace
#0 /home/x/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): VfcodersHH_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionAddReply()
#1 /home/x/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#2 /home/x/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#3 {main}
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@wedge1001 Do you have plan give support for XF2 ? Also why not release here your fix version?
We will see.
A friend of mine texted me, that he is looking into porting this into Xenforo 2
If he will do this, then it's okay for me. Otherwise i'll probably have to do it myself - so yes. Somehow we will get a XenForo2 compatible version :)
he already released a beta :D ->

as for posting here: i've tried to take over / publish a bugfix for another plugin. The staff here said it's not okay to do this.
So i've moved it to the git-repo.

There is no error, and the hide hack now seems to work as expected.
You are genius :)
nice :)

hello some post with hide and not hide my visible
what type of hide are you using?
do you use my fixed version?
We will see.
A friend of mine texted me, that he is looking into porting this into Xenforo 2
If he will do this, then it's okay for me. Otherwise i'll probably have to do it myself - so yes. Somehow we will get a XenForo2 compatible version :)
he already released a beta :D ->

as for posting here: i've tried to take over / publish a bugfix for another plugin. The staff here said it's not okay to do this.
So i've moved it to the git-repo.

nice :)

what type of hide are you using?
do you use my fixed version?

This hack works in xF 2.0?.
I am not sure if per usergroup restriction is working.
I have set all hiding permission to "never" for a user group.
The hiding buttons do not appear on the post editor indeed, but typing the code manually still parses the hide tags.
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All admin can see the 'hidden' contents without posting in the thread. Does anyone know how to make it so just the poster can do that please?
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