A request for the community: the use of images in your signatures


Well-known member

I have a kind request to the community or Kier&Mike: I see a fair amount of people displaying all kinds of graphics in their signatures to show (off?) their number of trophies/likes/postings, etc. Isn't this information already available somewhere in your profiles/usercards? Also a lot of people are using images to display their other social network links/profiles, like Facebook, Twitter et, etc, etc. Shouldn't this just be available in your profile aswell?

For me one of the selling points of xenForo is the cleanliness of threaddisplay: it is a complete breath of much needed fresh air compared to current forum systems. I feel that us, the community adding all these 'unneccesary' images to their signatures makes this forum much harder to read.

I expect I will be buried now ;)... but maybe it's an idea to keep this in mind or maybe images could even be blocked (or allowing a maximum width/height) over here?

Yes, I am picky... this posting will not get many 'likes', the devil on my left shoulder tells me. ;)
Is there something wrong with my signature?

Yeah, LOL. Some people might be disturbed by it. I removed mine because some people didn't like it.

Great idea. Unlimited signatures for everyone -- set things up so people can see their own signatures, but no one else can. ;)

No need to get so extreme. That's not what I am saying. The use of something like spoilers, for example, hides siggys and only the people who want to see them, will go ahead and click to see them. But, in the other hand, people who are uptight about siggys, can just leave the spoiler alone. There are also resizing Mods, that'll keep sigs at "normal" dimensions.

You can set all these things on a forum and also make a point of it in your rules if you wish, so there are no misunderstandings later on.

On a different note. It really sucks to try to exchange ideas with narrow-minded people.

Ps: Screw it. I am putting my siggy back on.
It's the first thing I do when joining a forum.
And we have them turned off on the forum we run. Avatars too.
When I posted that, signatures weren't that obnoxious around here. Unfortunately, I had to recently turn this option off due to people like the person who posted above you. There really needs to be limits set. Some people's image signatures are tasteful and not distracting. Others are not so kind.
Looks like Mike and Kier need to put some rules in place here, nothing against all of you who want to run images but when the main moderator here shuts all signatures off due to being sick of them something needs to be done !!

It seems that image signatures are not the only problem though, too many lines and characters in signatures are a pain for a lot of members here too !!
LOL Kier, but I don't get the meaning of a lot of English slang, haven't been around the world I guess !!


take the piss Vrb phrs. 1. To ridicule, to tease, to make fun off. Cf. 'extract the urine'.

2. To take advantage of, to exploit. E.g."Just because they like looking after their grand children, doesn't mean you can dump the kids on them every weekend whilst you go out clubbing. That's just taking the piss."
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