A couple more questions before I purchase.


New member
Thanks in advance for any response. I have a couple more questions before buying the license.

First. Unofficially... how stable is this beta? I run a simple gaming forum which is up to about 100k posts and generally has around 60 active members. Not a large forum but it's contents are very precious to me. I know xenForo's staff can't guarantee anything in a beta stage but can you customers comment on it's security? Is it at the "a little buggy" stage or "oh gawd it corrupted my database!" stage?

Second. Can you set different templates/skins for different parts of the forum as you could with vB? As in a holiday sub-forum would have a holiday themed template but the rest of the forum would look normal.
First. Unofficially... how stable is this beta?
Very stable, much more stable than some other software pretending to be stable, some pretty big communities already converted.

I know xenForo's staff can't guarantee anything in a beta stage but can you customers comment on it's security? Is it at the "a little buggy" stage or "oh gawd it corrupted my database!" stage?
Just a little buggy, but don't take my word for it have a look at the Bug Reports.

Second. Can you set different templates/skins for different parts of the forum as you could with vB? As in a holiday sub-forum would have a holiday themed template but the rest of the forum would look normal.
I am not sure, but I don't think so.
Thanks in advance for any response. I have a couple more questions before buying the license.

First. Unofficially... how stable is this beta? I run a simple gaming forum which is up to about 100k posts and generally has around 60 active members. Not a large forum but it's contents are very precious to me. I know xenForo's staff can't guarantee anything in a beta stage but can you customers comment on it's security? Is it at the "a little buggy" stage or "oh gawd it corrupted my database!" stage?

Second. Can you set different templates/skins for different parts of the forum as you could with vB? As in a holiday sub-forum would have a holiday themed template but the rest of the forum would look normal.

Very stable esp for a beta. Altho there are bugs but we squash them as fast as we can around here. :)

And yes, you can set forum specific theme skins. You have to be careful when you set them back and make sure you tell the software what you want it to do but it is very doable.
Even tho this software is in the beta stage, I believe you will find it to be incredibly stable.

And as Liz said above, yep you can set a specific style to a specific forum.
No where close to the buggy side, all bugs are being squased, and if there are any they are not big. Also to let you know, that no forum software is 100% stable, they all will have bugs no matter what. But xenforo being in its beta stages is very impressive, and security is no problem. So I would buy it. I researched vb and ipb before deciding to buy the software.. and xenforo stood out.
Second. Can you set different templates/skins for different parts of the forum as you could with vB? As in a holiday sub-forum would have a holiday themed template but the rest of the forum would look normal.
Yes, you can force a specific style on any forum or page which will override the user selected style.
Thanks in advance for any response. I have a couple more questions before buying the license.

First. Unofficially... how stable is this beta? I run a simple gaming forum which is up to about 100k posts and generally has around 60 active members. Not a large forum but it's contents are very precious to me. I know xenForo's staff can't guarantee anything in a beta stage but can you customers comment on it's security? Is it at the "a little buggy" stage or "oh gawd it corrupted my database!" stage?

i think what makes xf feel like a beta is the lack of polished features, not a lack of stability/security.
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