[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

No permission to download
the best way it to goto options basic board info put portal/ and clear out home page link and leave it blank u can do it with htaccess but a meta refresh is simpler and use that as you index i will show an example of mine

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>LeftBehind Gaming</title>  
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='http://leftbehind.us/community/'" />


put that outside of the xenforo root and use your home page link this is how mine is set this is just to give you an idea this will instantly take you to your home page.

i neame my index index.php even tho its html


that link will show you how to set the controler up. good luck
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Thats not good then lol. Clean minimal install and not working but all the dirty sites have no trouble. Uninstalled and reinstalled the block. Choosing different forums for different tabs has no effect. They all load the same threads and then when I click on a tab a second time it does what it was doing back when I first customized it.

Tried pulling all the other blocks off etc. No difference.
I exactly have the same problem.

Now, I wonder if someone of you guys knows how to make the RecentThread block only displaying news discussions and not the all the answers.
Okay, I've just installed XF1.2 and Xenporta 1.5.9, and I've set my route up in my Basic Board Information, so I've got a working portal. Yay!

However, I am getting a "403 Forbidden" error when I click my forums (/forums/) link. I believe this is because the internal Xenporta route changer was dropped. Reading back a number of pages, it sounds like this is a common problem for people who have installed their forum on the root on their site?

(I used to have vbulletin installed in my /forums/ directory, not sure if this is part of the issue. I have redirect scripts in the /forums/showpost.php and forums/showthread.php)

Everything but the Forum Index is working. Is this a known bug, and is there an easy fix? Can I just revert back to 1.5.8a and use the old route changer to get my index back?

my site is installed in to root of my site...
my recent features block is not cycling through articles, it is static with first article and just sits there. please advise.
What would the possibility be to add the 'today' option when promoting a thread. If I go back and promote an old thread, I have to scroll through until I get to the current date.
Superb add-on, really. Easy to use, easy to set up - thanks very much. I will likely come back to you once our forum "takes off" and have the branding removed, as way of donation.

In the meanwhile, I have two questions that I hope you can help me with. I'm sure one of them will already have been answered but 144 pages is a lot of discussion to browse through... :)
  • I currently have my forum set up to be the root of my website, i.e. www.thetabletennisforum.com with no "Home" tab. Your add-on has (rightly) re-added the "Home" tab, but I'd now like to make the portal my homepage and make the forums accessible on /forums/ or something. Is that possible? If so, where do I start?
  • Is it possible to make the RecentNews block inaccessible as a forum? I.e. the topics are visible on the homepage (and visible when any user clicks "Continue reading...") but the News forum (that I've set up) can't be seen on the forum index by non-administrative users?
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone-

I just upgraded my XF installation and have run into some problems getting my Portral to display properly. I believe I performed everything properly, but who knows. I cannot get my recentnews block to show up at all. I usually keep it on the center of the page with recentthreads on the left. The recentnews is missing. It just shows the page numbers at the very top. If you scroll all the way down you begin seeing the forum listing. I have attached a screenshot.


  • screengrab.webp
    7.6 KB · Views: 39
  • I currently have my forum set up to be the root of my website, i.e. www.thetabletennisforum.com with no "Home" tab. Your add-on has (rightly) re-added the "Home" tab, but I'd now like to make the portal my homepage and make the forums accessible on /forums/ or something. Is that possible? If so, where do I start?
  • Is it possible to make the RecentNews block inaccessible as a forum? I.e. the topics are visible on the homepage (and visible when any user clicks "Continue reading...") but the News forum (that I've set up) can't be seen on the forum index by non-administrative users?
Thanks in advance.
  • Read back a few posts about setting this up
  • You can hide the News forum from the forum index by unticking "Display in the node list" in that node's permissions. It would hide it from everyone though but anyone with the URL would see the forum. Also those reading a news article could click back up to the forum using the breadcrumb. I'm not sure what the benefit of hiding the forum from users is?

This is the only permission settings for xenporta - http://gyazo.com/323d55fc630fe53cb7eeea5fa4af4257
Which won't solve any of my problems.
Incorrect, all of the XenPorta blocks have permissions too, you need to go into the ones you are using and configure them there.

Hi everyone-

I just upgraded my XF installation and have run into some problems getting my Portral to display properly. I believe I performed everything properly, but who knows. I cannot get my recentnews block to show up at all. I usually keep it on the center of the page with recentthreads on the left. The recentnews is missing. It just shows the page numbers at the very top. If you scroll all the way down you begin seeing the forum listing. I have attached a screenshot.
See above.
On the homepage of our forums, when a user clicks on a member's name, instead of the members portal appearing, it does nothing, click on it again and it will freeze the homepage, we have to refresh the page and it will unfreeze the page, but the links still won't work. It is only on the homepage and works fine throughout the rest of the forums.

Any help would be greatly appreciate it. Website URL is http://www.toomuchminecraft.com/ if this helps.
  • You can hide the News forum from the forum index by unticking "Display in the node list" in that node's permissions. It would hide it from everyone though but anyone with the URL would see the forum. Also those reading a news article could click back up to the forum using the breadcrumb. I'm not sure what the benefit of hiding the forum from users is?

Thanks for your help, Martok - that's great. I just feel like having a "News" forum displaying the news that's on our homepage is a bit redundant. Would prefer for it to only exist in one place.

Couple of other things...
  • Is there any way to post news with a picture, rather than my avatar appearing on every post?
  • The Recent Threads block, at a certain width, looks incredibly bizarre (i.e. phone width)
  • The Recent Status Updates block appears to lack any styling?
  • Is there any way to remove the site title from the top of the homepage? We have a logo at the top (link) then a repeated text title just below it... happy to JS hack it if necessary but what's the cleanest way of doing it?
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Lol... and people wonder why I hate giving support.

I think we all forget sometimes what it was like when we were noobs. I know I forget myself. I didn't mean that graphic to be snarky, but as I look at it again, I can see where it may appear that way. I train noobs in the technology field for a living, so I have learned to make things very simple...some times too simply...hence, the graphic. I think most people who write code are so advanced that they have forgotten where the average user's understanding is. Most of us know the AdminCP like the back of our hands. It's easy to get so advanced that you get impatient repeating the same basic thing over and over. I know I am guilty. I still get tickled when someone says they are trying to "download" a photo onto their Facebook or to a post. You mean "upload", right? Yeah, whatever. It's human nature.

As far as providing support...nobody expects that of you. You've given us a great mod for our forums and asked for nothing. You owe us nothing. With a mod of this magnitude, a full time employee would be needed to provide support to every problem/question/modification request. I would just keep doing as you have done...answer the questions to the issues that arise when there is a problem with the mod and ignore the questions that have been answered repeatedly. Eventually, the end user will learn to search the thread or else be directed by another user. I've said it before and will say it again...Thanks Jaxel for what you have provided the community. I honestly don't know how you find the time.
Couple of other things...
  • The Recent Threads block, at a certain width, looks incredibly bizarre (i.e. phone width)

Xenporta was likely never mean't to be responsive as 1.1 was not natively. Some blocks might need some future work to look/work well in responsive. Other than blocks like that Xenporta is not too bad at low width.

I am personally putting a minimum width on our Portal for the time being as you can't expect every element to work on a phone. Something just large enough to make it work on tablet resolutions but allow the blocks to look correctly.
Thanks for your help, Martok - that's great. I just feel like having a "News" forum displaying the news that's on our homepage is a bit redundant. Would prefer for it to only exist in one place.
I don't think of it this way. To me, the front page is more for guests, showing them some key news items/announcements/stories etc to see and read. These are then a gateway into the forums themselves. For forum members, some will use the front page whereas others won't visit it at all and will read the articles in the forum itself. That's why I wouldn't hide a news forum, it gives options to forum users rather than forcing them down one route.

Couple of other things...
  • Is there any way to post news with a picture, rather than my avatar appearing on every post?
  • The Recent Threads block, at a certain width, looks incredibly bizarre (i.e. phone width)
  • The Recent Status Updates block appears to lack any styling?
  • Is there any way to remove the site title from the top of the homepage? We have a logo at the top (link) then a repeated text title just below it... happy to JS hack it if necessary but what's the cleanest way of doing it?
  • Yes, though you will need attached images in the post to do this. When promoting the thread, choose "Embedded Images" and then select from one of the images attached to the post to replace the avatar with this. This will give a small version of the image where the avatar was. Alternatively choose "Disable Promotion Icon" to not have any small images at all. You can see examples of both on my website.
  • I don't think XenPorta is fully responsive yet. It looks OK, though, I think. Maybe post a screenshot to show what you mean.
  • Again not sure what you mean? Mine seems OK. Don't forget that status updates don't use BBCode so they are plain text.
  • XenPorta > Options - tick the option "Break Out of Content Container"
@Duncan Wraight - just looked at your Recent Threads block. I suspect you've placed it in the Top Left position on the Portal layout. Placing it in the Top Right should make it expand to fill the space. All the Right positions do this, only use the Left positions if you also have a block to go in the Right position next to it.
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