[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid] 1.4.8a

No permission to buy ($30.00)
When a new page is created or a parent needs to be changed, a list of every single page in the wiki seems to come up. Is there an easy way of limiting which choices are in that drop-down? Is this in the pro version?

This takes a lot of time when the category to be assigned is #200 (page_ID).
There is no such feature, and there are no plans for such a feature. The design of this wiki has a direct relationship of every page to other pages. Because of this, the addition of such a feature would actually restrict value.
There is no such feature, and there are no plans for such a feature. The design of this wiki has a direct relationship of every page to other pages. Because of this, the addition of such a feature would actually restrict value.

Interesting - maybe others will comment, because in some ways it is not much different than your allowing restrictions to the number of automatic links in a page, etc...it's simply some flexibility that could be throttled (you would say only X levels deep on that menu).

I suppose if it comes up, we could probably program this into the edit template - that is, to only allow a manually entered drop down list or one pulled from a DB which has the "allowed" parents.
Interesting - maybe others will comment

I understand Jaxel's design goal of keeping XenCarta as a simple, very light weight product that just provides the subset of a "full" wiki that most folk running forums need. And I'm totally for that.

This product is a blessing for me, exactly what I needed to replace our MediaWiki, which was like using an 18 wheeler to haul a bag of peanuts around. We probably only used about 20% of the functionality MediaWiki provided, it was a nightmare to administer, and had zero integration with our support forums.

Now I have something which is ten times easier to administer, does 95% of what I need, and is fully integrated into the forums. Just the forum search integration, and the anti-spam defenses XF and various addons provide, will save me a huge amount of support work. And my hope is that it will also encourage users to contribute to the wiki, now that it's as simple as posting on the forums.

That said, there's a couple of things I really think would be useful, like supporting wiki markup to help in migrating from a an existing wiki, which I've monologed about in previous posts on this thread, and which I put in to production on my site this morning. Perhaps foolishly, as I should have waited for a response from Jaxel about at least adding a couple of hooks for me to use, but I needed my wiki up "now" on my newly migrated site. So I may end up having to manually re-do the changes I made to the code on every update to XenCarta, until I've had time to replace all the existing wiki markup with bbcode and templates. :(

Personally, I don't see my own wiki growing beyond about 250 pages, which while unwieldy to list in a single dropdown, is not unmanageable. But if there was an option to limit that dropdown, I'd probably use it, and set the limit to the same depth as the index, as our wiki structure is basically cast in stone, and nobody (except maybe members of staff) should be adding children to "leaf" pages more than 2 levels in.

But obviously it's Jaxel's choice, and he has to walk that fine line between "just the basics" and "useful features", to avoid Creeping Featurization (or Feeping Creaturization) and product bloat, thus defeating the object of the exercise.

I suspect the answer may be simply to provide hooks in some appropriate places, to allow those of us that need to extend XenCarta functionality to do so.

-- hugh
Interesting - maybe others will comment, ....

There is no such feature, and there are no plans for such a feature. The design of this wiki has a direct relationship of every page to other pages. Because of this, the addition of such a feature would actually restrict value.

My wiki has around 1200 pages and also 1200 choices in the drop-down menu. Unfortunately it is one of the reasons why I am going to ditch XenCarta.
Okay, I've added in an option for the next version to limit the recursive depth of parent/redirect node options.
If not already in the plans or pro, special pages such as:

1. Random wiki page
2. recent wiki pages (I like this one especially, since mods can keep an eye on both edits and new)

are good links. This could be on the sidebar or perhaps optionally inserted on the main index or elsewhere using a tag, etc.

The more "simple" things that can be done without template edits, the better. Most admins are unlikely to delve into templates, IMHO....at least until much later after you have lots of stock templates, documentation, etc.
If not already in the plans or pro, special pages such as:

1. Random wiki page
2. recent wiki pages (I like this one especially, since mods can keep an eye on both edits and new)

are good links. This could be on the sidebar or perhaps optionally inserted on the main index or elsewhere using a tag, etc.

The more "simple" things that can be done without template edits, the better. Most admins are unlikely to delve into templates, IMHO....at least until much later after you have lots of stock templates, documentation, etc.
I have not created new pages since I installed the PRO version and therefore I just noticed the following:

When I follow a link to a page that does not yet exist I click the "Create page" button and I get an error message saying "The page does not exist". In the url field of the browser I see:


Before clicking this button would take me to the "Crate new page" and the "title" and "link URL" would be pre-filled with values.

If I click the "Create new page" link on the top menu everything works. I then see the link:


In the url field of the browser.

Any idea what is happening?
What about people who brought a brand-free option in last version?
Will they get a free upgrade (Pretty please...?)
Now that you are supporting it,

Can you look at this workflow:
Need new feature:

1) Page Flags or Page Status. <-- a combo-box to denote Page Status
- This would list the whole wiki site pages and their statuses.
- Each page would have a Marked as "(ComboBox)".

Example page status (as a combo-box):
- Under construction
- Send to QA --> a person marked as QA gets notified of changes.
- OK --> Publish --> goes to publish and view-able.
- Flagged with mistakes by (Person).
- Flagged as bad content by (external readers).

So the workflow is:
- The writer comes in and write down the content via wiki.
Sits there all day long writing content.

- The QA guy comes a week later and proof-read the whole site and starts marking each page for publishing/needs more work/needs corrections/etc.
- The QA guy pulls up the list of pages marked "send to QA".
- The QA guy flags certain pages which needs correction or further work.
- The QA guy marks all pages OK as "locked". IF any page is changed, it will revert back to "Send to QA" again.

- The writer comes in and fixes those pages with spelling mistakes, grammar or incomplete content.
(and so on...)
- Anything the writer does, the status is set to "Send to QA" or "Under Construction".
- Pages are locked if OK. If unlocked or edited, it will be set back to "Send to QA" or "Under construction".

- The QA guy comes next week and proof-reads the whole site.
- Reviews all changed contents and pages marked "Send to QA"
- Locks those files which are proof-read and marks "OK".

- The writer comes in and fixes those pages with spelling mistakes, grammar or incomplete content.
(and so on...)
- The website guy comes every now and then updates XenForo and makes sure site is working good.

We've got over 250 pages and 1,000 edits so far on Wiki.
Need this feature. Willing to pay for this enhancement.

2) Need to show a list of pages per Page Status.

3) Hide pages under construction.
Jaxel, any chance we could get you to release some of the templates you have made for Xencarta? Especially interested in the Bio template - I can't seem to get it to work on mine.
Can new submissions/updates be sent to the moderation queue?

We are interested in allowing people to create and submit things that we as a staff or moderators we appoint can approve/decline, since it will be a community wiki and if the answer is yes you will have an instant buy :)!
In addition to my last post; could anyone educate me on the easiest way to make the tables in templates. They way I have it set up right now involves too many templates.
Can new submissions/updates be sent to the moderation queue?

As far as I can tell, there's no moderation for Wiki pages, you can only set usergroup permissions for creating and editing content.

We are interested in allowing people to create and submit things that we as a staff or moderators we appoint can approve/decline, since it will be a community wiki and if the answer is yes you will have an instant buy :)!

I've already purchased it, but I'd happily purchase it again if we could get moderation of page creation and edits!

One could argue that this goes against the principles of The Wiki, whereby "community moderation" is essentially the whole point of the open nature of a wiki, in that if somebody enters bogus information, the community corrects it. But I suspect that in the context of XF, and the likely uses XenCart would be put to, most admins would find moderation to be be a very useful feature.

Anyway, +1 from me.

-- hugh
Moderation should be a core feature for any wiki - the "idea" of what a wiki should be is very different from what most are!

As with most endeavors, it seems that 5% of users tend to be responsible for 95% (or more) of decent wiki content....sometimes even fewer!

It's not a deal breaker because there are ways around it - such as looking for the most recently created or edited, which at least allows you to make sure users are not writing articles about their companies, etc.
Jaxel, any chance we could get you to release some of the templates you have made for Xencarta? Especially interested in the Bio template - I can't seem to get it to work on mine.

Yeah, this would be pretty cool.
Jaxel, any ETA on the date of the next release? Not pining for it, just ready to install this soon and don't want to do so if a newer version is coming within a week or ten days, etc...

(just officially purchased, although I've donated before for it)
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