[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid] 1.4.8a

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Any specific way to make sure the auto-linking works in the Wiki? Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but it doesn't seem to be working like I had expected.
One thing I would like to see is a Recent Activity widget or Xenporta Block that shows the latest edits and new pages created. Not sure if this is something you have planned or if there is some code you can "personalize" to achieve the same thing. I do like the page (in XenCarta) that achieves this, just wondering if I could put that in widget form somehow.

VaultWiki has this featured and it looked pretty neat/helpful to me.

I am having trouble finding a way to style external links on pages created in the Wiki.

The internal links, linking to the other wiki pages seem to get styled in the .css with the following;

.wikiPage a:not(.externalLink) { color: #319437; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; }

But I can not find where to style the external links in the same fashion.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edit; figured it out myself.

For anyone wanting to do this, it can be done by adding the following to the main .css file.

.wikiPage a:not(.internalLink) { color: #319437; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; }

Perhaps a bit of a hacky way of doing it, but it works!
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Found a small error in the EWRcarta.css

Ordered lists (OL) and Unordered lists (UL) both shows list items with a bullet instead of using numbers for ordered lists.

To fix it change the following line:
.wikiPage .wikiContent li { margin: 5px 0px 5px 30px; list-style: disc; }

To this:
.wikiPage .wikiContent ul li { margin: 5px 0px 5px 30px; list-style: disc; }
.wikiPage .wikiContent ol li { margin: 5px 0px 5px 30px; list-style: decimal; }
Is there a way you can use Xenforo color palette color codes in templates?

Like making a table with,
<td colspan=2 rowspan=5 style="background: @primaryLightish">

Would be useful since our forum has a white and black based theme and we can't color dynamically.
Bug found in 1.4.3:
  1. Create a new page
  2. Specify a Parent node, but do not specify a Redirect node
  3. Click Preview
  4. The Redirect node is now set to the Parent node's value.
If you now submit, the page you just created will automatically redirect to the parent. This has caused grief for some of my content creators who were unable to clear the Redirect node value since they were not Admins of the page.
How can I change the wiki tab URL from "forum. mysite.com/wiki/" to "www. mysite.com/wiki/" using a navigation template edit? (space added to prevent parsing in this post) I can't use redirects since it's doing something else so it must be a navigation template edit.

Here is what I am trying now but this is just a guess and not sure exactly where to place it.
<xen:if is="{$extraTabId} == 'wiki'">
<ul class="navtab">
<li><a href="http:// www. mysite .com">new link</a></li>

Thanks for any advice.

Is there a way to ONLY style the 'Watch Page' link in Xencarta? Currently, the styling of the link is controlled by the same styling as all internal links. I want to only change the colour of the 'Watch Page' link...

Any ideas?


Is there a way to ONLY style the 'Watch Page' link in Xencarta? Currently, the styling of the link is controlled by the same styling as all internal links. I want to only change the colour of the 'Watch Page' link...

Any ideas?


You would have to add a custom class to the 'watch-confirm' link in the template EWRcarta_PageView, and then style that class to your liking in your EXTRA.css.
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