[8WR] XenAtendo (Events)

[8WR] XenAtendo (Events) 1.5.0b

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Anybody know how I can fix the monthly view calendar? The event name gets cutoff at about 8 letters. What I would really like is when there's only one event for that day it says "1 Event" in the dayblock rather than have the event title in there. Check out this pic and you'll see what I mean...

ScreenHunter_31 Dec. 24 21.41.webp

See where my mouse is? I would love it if it just said "1 Event" and when you click on it the overlay pops up with a discription just like it does when theres more than 1 event for that day
Has anybody successfully uninstalled this mod? I have it disabled due to too many server error log entries and want to get rid of it entirely but am a bit frightened tbh.
Were you able to? I would like to uninstall it too.
@Martok could you please take a look at this? I read your post about making the eventview responsive but I'm not having any luck. Heres what my events view with a map looks like...

ScreenHunter_38 Dec. 26 20.56.webp

Notice how the details are kinda pushed over to the left?

And heres what it looks like without the map...

ScreenHunter_37 Dec. 26 20.52.webp

And heres what the upcoming events list looks like...

ScreenHunter_34 Dec. 26 20.36.webp

The upcoming events would look fine if in responsive they would show one per line instead of side by side. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm attaching the code from the with map & without map templates

P.S. Merry Christmas.


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@Martok could you please take a look at this? I read your post about making the eventview responsive but I'm not having any luck. Heres what my events view with a map looks like...

View attachment 63695

Notice how the details are kinda pushed over to the left?

And heres what it looks like without the map...

View attachment 63696

And heres what the upcoming events list looks like...

View attachment 63697

The upcoming events would look fine if in responsive they would show one per line instead of side by side. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm attaching the code from the with map & without map templates

P.S. Merry Christmas.
As I said in my post, I don't use maps so didn't bother editing the template so can't really comment on that.

My edits were for responsive design within an event thread. I've not edited Upcoming events as the monthly calendar is the default view on my site.
Has anyone figured out how to change the calendar to render with Sunday first (SMTWTFS)? This is how the pop-up date chooser works, but the large monthly and mini calendar do not. Changing the headers is easy, but I'd need to know where in the code to change the rest. This was asked a couple of times, but nobody responded to either post. I'll poke around and see what I can do, but if you have any tips, thanks!

Edit: Also, the weekly view starts with Monday as well.

Has anyone figured this out yet? Our members get confused with Sunday not being the first day of the week.:ROFLMAO:
Wait a minute... You mean to tell me Sunday is the first day of the week?? So I've been missing work once a week for 25 years?

I know, right?!? Imagine my horror when I went to buy a 2014 calendar at the store, and they all looked like this:

Seriously though, a option to change the first day of the week would be appreciated.
Seriously though, a option to change the first day of the week would be appreciated.
Seriously though... this is NOT a calendar addon. This is an event planning and RSVP addon. The earlier releases of this addon didn't even have a monthly calendar in it. The monthly calendar is an after-thought and I don't even use it on my own website.

There is ONE reason, and ONE reason only on why the calendar has the first day of the week on Monday. It has nothing to do with grouping weekends together, or my personal preference, or anything like that... Its simply the fact that PHP's built-in calendar functions have the first day of the week as Monday and I have ZERO interest in writing my own functions to skirt around it. Thats it.
Hey @Jaxel. I dig this addon man. I dont use the calendar either. The only thing that would really improve it in my mind would be if it could send out a message when someone rsvp's and maybe a link in the user dropdown menu like a 'My Events' link or something like that.
Seriously though... this is NOT a calendar addon. This is an event planning and RSVP addon. The earlier releases of this addon didn't even have a monthly calendar in it. The monthly calendar is an after-thought and I don't even use it on my own website.

There is ONE reason, and ONE reason only on why the calendar has the first day of the week on Monday. It has nothing to do with grouping weekends together, or my personal preference, or anything like that... Its simply the fact that PHP's built-in calendar functions have the first day of the week as Monday and I have ZERO interest in writing my own functions to skirt around it. Thats it.
Wow, touchy. Anyway, it was only a simple feature request. I was not the first, nor even the second to ask for this, but the question has been completely ignored until now. I fully understand that in PHP programming, weeks start with Monday so it's easier to code that way, however I don't think it was unreasonable to inquire about it since the question hadn't been answered. My picture response that you clearly took offense to was purely in jest to the previous poster, who was poking fun at my request, but apparently that kind of levity is taboo, so pardon me. I was perfectly serious that I would appreciate the option for a different starting weekday, but I never demanded such favors, nor expected any.
Is there an option that I missed to enabling the stream URL option? Just installed the latest version and it's missing.

Edit: Just saw the thread about XenRio. Why the hell was a feature removed "in anticipation of a new add on" before that add on was complete. Wat
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Hey all,

Is there a way using templates to force the events page to appear over the threads my chosen event forum?

Essentially I want to display the Calendar in the very events forum.
I only amended the local time and format. however, the time on corresponding discussion thread is not the same to the one on event calendar and my setting. is there anyone else having similar problem?
On the other hand, could I change the language of thread title from English to local format?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/2ggurd

public function formatDates($event)
        $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
        $dateformat = $options->EWRatendo_dateformat;
        $timeformat = $options->EWRatendo_timeformat;
        setlocale(LC_TIME, 'zh_TW.utf8','zh_TW');
        $strtime = new DateTime(date('r', $event['event_strtime']));
        $strtime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event['event_timezone']));
        $event['formatted_strtime'] = strftime("%#Y-%m-%d %H :%M", $strtime->getTimestamp());
        $event['formatted_strshort'] = strftime("%#d %b %Y", $strtime->getTimestamp());
        $event['formatted_timezone'] = $strtime->format('P T');
        $event['event_date'] = $strtime->format('Y-m-d');
        $event['event_time'] = $strtime->format('h');
        $event['event_ampm'] = $strtime->format('A');
        $event['key'] = strftime("%#d %b %Y", $strtime->getTimestamp());
        $endtime = new DateTime(date('r', $event['event_endtime']));
        $endtime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event['event_timezone']));
        $event['formatted_endtime'] = $endtime->format("Y-m-d H:i A");
        $event['event_length'] = ($event['event_endtime'] - $event['event_strtime']) / 3600;
        return $event;
Working well apart from the duration. I put a duration of 80 hours for an event that starts on Thursday at 10:am and ends on Sunday at 6: PM. After saving it had changed to 72 hours.
Is it possible to alter the Google Maps portion to display a different map? Like perhaps using a map in a game instead.
Ummm... @Jaxel I know you hate this addon but it just stopped working. Any idea why it would stop linking with my "Events" forum. Its like I don't have that function on anymore. I uninstalled it/deleted files and reinstalled twice and theres no difference. I also disabled the only 2 addons that I've installed recently which are [BD] attachment store and [BD] social share and that made no difference.
Ummm... @Jaxel I know you hate this addon but it just stopped working. Any idea why it would stop linking with my "Events" forum. Its like I don't have that function on anymore. I uninstalled it/deleted files and reinstalled twice and theres no difference. I also disabled the only 2 addons that I've installed recently which are [BD] attachment store and [BD] social share and that made no difference.
Check your settings.
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