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[8WayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal & Lite Wiki)

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It appears this issue happens because of the autolinker BB code built into XenForo. I recommend creating the templates as follows:

<td class="primaryContent test">{{{link}}}</td>

| link=[url=http://www.abc.com]Click Here[/url]
Thanks. This works, although it kinda defeats the purpose of what I was trying to do. (actually, I was aiming for something like the following: )

<td class="primaryContent test"><a href="{{{link}}}">{{{text}}}</a></td>

Ah well, your way works as well. Thanks for the reply.
I'm kind of stuck with something. I'm trying to use float to align images or tables. However, to be able to use links as stated above, I need to use bb code. To use float however, I kinda need to use HTML. I figured I could try solving that by creating a template with the float HTML code, but apparently templates within templates aren't allowed.

Does anyone have any good suggestions how to do this?
What I did to get around that was to split my links... do like

<div style="float: right;"><img src="{{{http}}}{{{img}}}" alt="{{{imgname}}}" /></div>

and then in your page,
| http = http://
| img = google.comimages/logos/ps_logo2.png
| imgname = Google Logo

Or something. Would that help you out? Then you don't have to use BBCode.
Actually, just tried this out. It works, as long as you don't try to put www in front of it. Even

| http=http://ww
| img=w.google etc.

screws up the link. Anyway, it works the way you said, thanks. :)
Depends on what kind of modules?

Articles would be the main one, with comments.

Side blocks would be good. Recent posts the main one for me, and custom blocks to put whatever you want in them ;)
ooooh thank you - content of block to be visible to a certain usergroup or usergroups.
If this not applicable to viewer nothing appears at all - NOT an empty box with access error message, nothing at all.

Some easy way of setting the viewing permissions.
Like a selectioun list of usergroups, and a textbox to insert comma separated usernames.

Default = ALL;
toggle NONE - none is draft status.
Jaxel how does the Wiki part work?
On your site it's a set of icon images that each open an information Page.
This looks great.

But the Wiki to me is a way of linking pages via keywords - so when a word appears in the wiki text it links to its page where the word is the title.
I've tried to get this to go and it says that either no style with document tree or blank page on install.php

Any ideas?


  • installphp.webp
    22.2 KB · Views: 9
  • nostyle.webp
    102.7 KB · Views: 15
Why do people keep saying "Article System"... what does that mean?

Recent posts is done:
A system with which you can post articles, news, blogs instead of using a forum to deliver the news to the front page. Think Wordpress but native to XF. That said I'm sure it's a lot of work. Good work on latest posts btw :)

Would be good to have a recent activity side block too ;)
I've tried to get this to go and it says that either no style with document tree or blank page on install.php

Any ideas?
Victor, you're not supposed to browse to install.php... you're supposed to use it as your install script.
Jaxel how does the Wiki part work?
On your site it's a set of icon images that each open an information Page.
This looks great.

But the Wiki to me is a way of linking pages via keywords - so when a word appears in the wiki text it links to its page where the word is the title.
Auto-linking VIA keywords (page names) has been added... Example: http://xen1.8wayrun.com/wiki/hilde/
A system with which you can post articles, news, blogs instead of using a forum to deliver the news to the front page. Think Wordpress but native to XF. That said I'm sure it's a lot of work. Good work on latest posts btw :)

Would be good to have a recent activity side block too ;)
I still don't see the need for this... if you want to "promote" a post to the front page, you only need to move it to the news forum (with a redirect).
You can do that, but the benefits a system of being able to promote posts to articles is you can keep articles in their related forums plus, unless you happen to be VB, comments are posted to that thread/

I think it'd be a really nice feature if that could be done myself :).

I'd also like to see modules you can add html and/or php into.
Victor, you're not supposed to browse to install.php... you're supposed to use it as your install script.
Auto-linking VIA keywords (page names) has been added... Example: http://xen1.8wayrun.com/wiki/hilde/

Jaxel thank you that's lovely. Is it done by inserting the link manually? Or does it happen autopmatically if the page name occurs?

Any comment on setting viewing permissions on a block?
Like a selectioun list of usergroups, and a textbox to insert comma separated usernames.

Finally is there any hope of a WYSWYG editor on Pages? For simpler Pages with just paragraphs and an image or two like a post, or small edits/ updates, especially delegating to mods who don't do html - this would be SO useful.
Actually, what would be nice is a sidebar on the wikipages from where you can search / go to related pages / go to other wiki pages. Right now moving through wiki pages seems fairly limited, something like this would make the mod even better in my opinion.
Jaxel thank you that's lovely. Is it done by inserting the link manually? Or does it happen autopmatically if the page name occurs?

Any comment on setting viewing permissions on a block?
Like a selectioun list of usergroups, and a textbox to insert comma separated usernames.

Finally is there any hope of a WYSWYG editor on Pages? For simpler Pages with just paragraphs and an image or two like a post, or small edits/ updates, especially delegating to mods who don't do html - this would be SO useful.
Links are done automatically... it works well, and ignores page names inside html tags. The only issue I have seen so far are partial matches. For instance, I have a page called "Taki" and it matches to the letters in the word "Taking".

I dont plan on changing anything to the permissions... I won't be rewriting any of the systems already built into XF.

The wiki uses the built in WYSIWYG editor for XF.

Actually, what would be nice is a sidebar on the wikipages from where you can search / go to related pages / go to other wiki pages. Right now moving through wiki pages seems fairly limited, something like this would make the mod even better in my opinion.
Okay... sidebars are now on all wiki pages... unless you add "[NOSIDEBAR]" to the page.
You can do that, but the benefits a system of being able to promote posts to articles is you can keep articles in their related forums plus, unless you happen to be VB, comments are posted to that thread/

I think it'd be a really nice feature if that could be done myself :).

I'd also like to see modules you can add html and/or php into.
what he said :)
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