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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Module Add-Ons)

Edit EWRporta_Navtabs template. Search in line 6 for
    <li style="padding-left: 50px;"><a href="{xen:link 'portal/custom'}">{xen:phrase customize_this_page}</a></li>

Remove it.

Those modules all exist in XenPorta. You wouldn't create them. Simply go into your XenPorta modules administration area and enable them.
how to create this modules:

  1. XenAtendo Today's Birthdays => Xen Atendo is required
  2. XenCarta Navigation => Xen Carta is required
  3. XenMedio Recent Media => Xen Media is required
  4. XenMedio Keyword Cloud => Xen Media is required
Thanks! ;)

Install from the XML folder in the Modules page, well in your PC well in your server (/library/EWRporta/XML)

You're missing the point. People can drag that block away, and I don't want that. Ryan Kent told me to use the ad template, but that shows on all pages, not just the frontpage. I guess the easiest way to get it to work properly is for the maker to add an option to disable it ;)
The ability to lock module positions is in the next version.
You're missing the point. People can drag that block away, and I don't want that. Ryan Kent told me to use the ad template, but that shows on all pages, not just the frontpage. I guess the easiest way to get it to work properly is for the maker to add an option to disable it ;)

you can use conditionals to control the pages for your ad display.
I've edited the Recent News module myself, and the one thing I overlooked was ensuring the variables in the actual php file reflect the changed variables.

Here's how I went at it. I opened up RecentNews, and saved it under a different name. Important is that you change the modulename setting, as well as all the name of the module_settings in order to ensure the options/settings are stored under a different name than the original (in case you want to have different values per instance). In the case of RecentThreads, see the items marked red below:

  <module_name>[COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]RecentThreads[/COLOR]</module_name>
    <[COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]recentthreads_limit[/COLOR] desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</recentthreads_limit>

If you rename RecentThreads to RecentThreadsNewsForum, I'd change the name of the recentthreads_limit to something like recenthtreadsnewsforum_limit or something along those lines.

The next step is to head over to the EWRporta\Blocks file, and copy the RecentThreads.php there to RecentThreadsNewsForum.php. In here, look for the piece of code below:

        $fetchOptions = array(
            'join' => XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_FORUM | XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_USER,
            'readUserId' => $visitorID,
            'postCountUserId' => $visitorID,
            'order' => 'last_post_date',
            'orderDirection' => 'desc',
            'limit' => $options['[COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]recentthreads_limit[/COLOR]'],

The name in red should be changed to the value you picked above (recenthtreadsnewsforum_limit), and in order for it to limit the selection to a specific forum, I think you can just add in a line like

'forum_id' => 1,

into the array above.

That should about do the trick (note: I did not test this, but I cannot imagine it's much more complicated than that).

I could not get this to work for me. Is there anyway to add a second "recentnews" module.
I have renamed <module_name>RecentNews2</modulename> and the module imports.
I just get no output at all. Would someone know how to get this working.

please (1).webp
I could not get this to work for me. Is there anyway to add a second "recentnews" module.
I have renamed <module_name>RecentNews2</modulename> and the module imports.
I just get no output at all. Would someone know how to get this working.

View attachment 15724

When you say you renamed the file, did you follow the advice from the post you quoted, and alos ensured that the variable names in the module were changed?

The XenPorta framework requires every module to use unique names.

From the original code:
  <module_name>RecentThreads</module_name>   <module_cache>now</module_cache>   <module_settings>     <recentthreads_limit desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</recentthreads_limit>   </module_settings>

If you copied and pasted the module, you need to ensure that your new module also has unique names. If you want to call your module RecentNews2, change the module_name in the new module to RecentNews2, and where it says recentthreads_limit to recentnews2_limit.

That will ensure that you can specify settings for both the original module, as well as the new RecentNews2 module.

Similarly, the RecentThreads.php file should be altered to reflect the changes in names.

Let me know if that helps?
Thanks for the reply SchmitzIT but I'm still unable to get any output from the module. :(

    <cutoff desc="Recent Thread Cutoff?" format="">5</cutoff>
    <forum desc="Recent Thread Forum?" format="forums">0</forum>
    <RecentThreads2_limit desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</RecentThreads2_limit>

I just get an extra footer. Hopefully you can spot what i'm doing wrong. ;)
In order for the module to work, you need to assign forums which will be used as the source of threads.

Right now your forum variable is set to 0 which means there wont be any data.
Thanks Ryan, but still no go i'm afraid.

    <cutoff desc="Recent Thread Cutoff?" format="">5</cutoff>
    <forum desc="Recent Thread Forum?" format="forums">110</forum>
    <RecentThreads2_limit desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</RecentThreads2_limit>

Server Error

String could not be parsed as XML

    <cutoff desc="Recent Thread Cutoff?" format="">5</cutoff>
    <forum desc="Recent Thread Forum?" format="forums">110</forum>
    <RecentThreads2_limit desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</RecentThreads2_limit>

    <cutoff desc="Recent Thread Cutoff?" format="">5</cutoff>
    <forum desc="Recent Thread Forum?" format="forums">110</forum>
  <RecentThreads2_limit desc="Recent Thread Limit?" format="">3</RecentThreads2_limit>
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