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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Module Add-Ons)

PortalYouTube with module settings section

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <video_header desc="Video Header" format="">YouTube Module</video_header>
    <video_height desc="Video Height" format="">390</video_height>
    <video_name desc="Video Name" format="">some youtube video</video_name>
    <video_ID desc="Video ID" format="">CXTyV3u6Mkc</video_ID>
    <video_width desc="Video Width" format="">640</video_width>

   <module_template><![CDATA[<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
    <div class="secondaryContent">
<div><h3>{$option.video_name}</h3><center><iframe title="{$option.video_header}" width="{$option.video_width}" height="{$option.video_height}" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/{$option.video_ID}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><BR><BR></center></div>
PortalYouTube with module settings section

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <video_header desc="Video Header" format="">YouTube Module</video_header>
    <video_height desc="Video Height" format="">390</video_height>
    <video_name desc="Video Name" format="">some youtube video</video_name>
    <video_ID desc="Video ID" format="">CXTyV3u6Mkc</video_ID>
    <video_width desc="Video Width" format="">640</video_width>

  <module_template><![CDATA[<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
    <div class="secondaryContent">
<div><h3>{$option.video_name}</h3><center><iframe title="{$option.video_header}" width="{$option.video_width}" height="{$option.video_height}" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/{$option.video_ID}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><BR><BR></center></div>
Nice work mate! Much easier for people to change the youtube video and give it a title. You took my basic little mod to the next level :D

If I was to have any criticism it would be the title of the video needs to be centered as it looks funny being all the way over the left, apart from that, very cool!
Nice work mate! Much easier for people to change the youtube video and give it a title. You took my basic little mod to the next level :D

If I was to have any criticism it would be the title of the video needs to be centered as it looks funny being all the way over the left, apart from that, very cool!
Ok so, I would now use the code above, rather than the code in your post?
Ok so, I would now use the code above, rather than the code in your post?
I am :)

Just allows you to edit it via the portal modules section instead of having to edit it via the template system in the adminCP. The only downside is the title doesnt center properly, apart from that its just much easier to change the video shown
I have to admit that I am in over my head with building modules so I was trying to cheat. I want to clone the RecentThreads module and name it something different and add a second section to my portal page displaying threads form a specific forum not included in the RecentThreads module. I tried changing the name of the XML file for RecentThreads and also the Titles inside the file and then uploading it like a new module but it kills the existing RecentThreads module.

It literally stops the module from displaying the recent threads and within the module editor (site/portal/modules) when I click on the original RecentThreads module I no longer has the ability to set any of the options except who can see it and who can't. The newly uploaded module works fine however. To correct the problem all I have to do is upload a the original RecentThreads XML file again which kills the new module but restores the old one. o_O

Way too long story short can anyone tell me how to clone the RecentThreads module without killing the existing one? Again I did rename it so just doing that does not work. I tried browsing this thread and others associated with modules, but it is late, I'm frustrated and honestly as I said before over my head anyway.
You would definitely need to rename the setting variables in the second module. It's a bit messy but you could simply add a "2" to each variable.
Thanks for the tip. Doing so kept the modules from crashing but the second one still does not display threads. It may be a cache issue so I will clear that and see. In any case it is a step in the right direction and I appreciate it much.


FYI - displayed videos are not my work... :whistle:

UPDATE: Removed module_settings as this uses playlist

NOTE: folders for your jwplayer and videos must reside just off of the root for this addon to work as provided. These files are hosted on my webserver, but script may be altered to access remotely hosted files also. peace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <module_settings />
    <module_template><![CDATA[<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
        <div class="secondaryContent">

        <div id="mediaplayer">JW Player goes here</div>

        <script type="text/javascript" src="/jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                flashplayer: "/jwplayer/player.swf",
                playlist: [
                    { duration: 414, file: "/videos/polynoid.mp4", title: "Polynoid", description: "Sci-Fi CGI short film"},
                    { duration: 231, file: "/videos/groove.mp4", title: "Groove", description: "John Myung Solar Groove"},
                    { duration: 6, file: "/videos/video.mp4", title: "Video", description: "Stock video provided with JW Player"}
                    "playlist.position": "right",
                    "playlist.size": 150,
                    height: 380,
                    width: 630
Remember, XenMedio is a directory to where media files are actually stored. You can store media files locally if you are premium user. JWPlayer can be used to access media stored remotely. longtailvideo.com is website for JW Player.

You can reference XenMedia media files in forum posts... [medio]82[/medio]
I'd be willing to pay for a module that shows media from XenMedio.
Any page that allows bbcode would be able to display XenMedio.
If anybody wants to get paid to make a high quality mod that will show XenMedio videos PM me
You should firm up your plans and make a thread to discuss them. Design a mockup of what you are thinking.
I think many would be interested in showing XenMedio items outside of the Forums and XenMedio.
I am a bit confused. One of my user cant edit the News (delete)
What permissions do i have to set that the user is allowed to edit News?
Edit: User can see edit Button but "has no permission to view this page or perform this action."
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