3rd party gallery options for xenForo


Well-known member
The moment XF is available for purchase, ill be starting my new community. While brainstorming for this new community, I realized that I will need a photo gallery. Since there currently is no XF gallery or a bridge to a third party gallery, what gallery options are there?

Is there a gallery that can be easily be bridged with other forums/blogs etc or have a quick and easy registration system? The gallery does not have to be elaborate, just needs to have the basic gallery functionality and be easy to to use by the end user.
There is a thread about XenForo over on PhotoPost, some interest for it at Photoplog, nothing mentioned over at Coppermine. Personally I use Photoplog, most of my cohorts use it or PhotoPost so either one would work for us and both seem to have some interest just don't know much yet.

The moment XF is available for purchase, ill be starting my new community. While brainstorming for this new community, I realized that I will need a photo gallery. Since there currently is no XF gallery or a bridge to a third party gallery, what gallery options are there?

Is there a gallery that can be easily be bridged with other forums/blogs etc or have a quick and easy registration system? The gallery does not have to be elaborate, just needs to have the basic gallery functionality and be easy to to use by the end user.
We should be able to take a deeper look into the XenForo code before someone is able to answer these question ...
Photopost hasn't been updated or improved in quite awhile. It doesn't appear it will be either. They are becoming outdated and I believe they know it. It sounds like they are in the very early stages of something, but I wouldn't expect anything new from them for quite awhile (A year or more) unless something else changes that.

But Xenforo needs a good gallery option. I'm positive that will be one of the first big add-ons asked for if it isn't already. Hopefully a good ones comes along shortly afterwards. :)
Photopost hasn't been updated or improved in quite awhile. It doesn't appear it will be either. They are becoming outdated and I believe they know it. It sounds like they are in the very early stages of something, but I wouldn't expect anything new from them for quite awhile (A year or more) unless something else changes that.

They are very slow, they have been working on a VBG gallery for 6+ months and its still in RC.
I would much rather wait for a xenforo one than a bridge to any of those myself... I had a site cracked through Coppermine :(

Gallery is a luxury I am willing to wait for :)
I am soooooo not interested in Photopost, total PITA if you have made any template mods and they release an update. I was just NOT impressed at all when I did side by side comparisons of Photoplog, Photopost and VBG a couple years ago. Photoplog is head and shoulders better than the others as far as integration is concerned. The pop-up dialog to drop a thumbnail of one of your images into your posts, the fact that Photoplog images show up in the vB search results... Those are important integrations.

I *really* hope Calorie/Morgan does a 'Plog for XF using the XF framework and plupload as the upload system... Assuming that Mike and Kier aren't doing something similar. :) Susan and I have spent a ton of time/effort analyzing needs and widgeting image handling on our site, there's more to be done, but FULL gallery integration is the single biggest thing I want to see. Images are handled abysmally poorly in every other forum system so far. They all treat them as a separate, parallel system rather than an integrated part of the content creation system that the forum SHOULD be. People communicate with images FAR more than they used to, and forum systems need to twig to that and treat images as valuable content, not one off attachments.
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