[021] Real time chat [Deleted]

My forum was pretty much dead (still is).
Your forum is dead because it's new, offers nothing fancy, and looks like a thousand others for Xenforo. People don't want to browse on forums for anymore. They want access to fast content.
I get the following error, anyone have the same error? how do you overcome?

Sincere thanks.

[root@hello]# php -v
PHP 8.0.28 (cli) (built: Mar 6 2023 09:55:12) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.28, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
[root@hello]# php chat_cli start -d
Unknown communication type.
I get the following error, anyone have the same error? how do you overcome?

Sincere thanks.
Hello. You need to select one of the following types in the "Type of client-server communication" option (ACP –> Options –> Real Time Chat): (WebSocket) Proxied address or (WebSocket) Direct connection
021 updated [021] Real time chat with a new update entry:


Updated design 🪄

A new user-friendly design has been implemented. Now it is convenient to use the chat from any screens. The new design also attracts with its modernity and simplicity.

Integration with AI Bots 🤖

Now you can chat with bots based on ChatGPT in live mode right on your forum.
Flexible permissions for groups are included for this feature.

Improved chat history...​

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oh okay cool, and one more thing, how do I change the background color of this:
Screenshot 2023-04-13 091640.png
and I'm sorry I'm a bit new to ACP..I don't see a direct function to where we're able to collapse the chat under widgets? Unless you're talking about display condition?
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