[021] Real time chat [Deleted]

. @Instant, if you use long polling, chat does not need additional configuration

Thank you, I have now the chat but still some problems:

After loading page:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

Browser Console:
/forum/chat/long-polling:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Do you have a idea what this could be? Thanks in advance.
File chat renamed to chat_cli to fix 404 error with full friendly URL

Do you mean error in long polling mode? If so, it still doesn't work.

Anyway, I've got one more question. How can I disable messages from Real time chat in "Messages"/"Postings" tabs?
Chat messages go to those tabs marked with red border (attached image). It would be better to not display it there.
.this tab displays all user-created content. It does not depend on the add-on)
Anyone who has successfully setup the websocket on this on Apache running CentOS 7.....I'd love any additional insight anyone can provide as it relates to this.
Thanks for this module! I've been using it and works like a charm. The only thing is: I've disabled /to as a commando, but when I click an username - it still pre-fills the message box with /to. Even though the command is disabled.
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