
  1. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained [HA] Mobile Browsers Address Bar Color 2.0.0

    PLEASE BEWARE!!! This addon is unmaintained, no support is offered with this any longer. Hi, See the color of address bar, Before: After: This add-on adds a new style property to let you choose the color you want: list of supported systems (its not exactly the same in all of them...
  2. Kintaro

    Lack of interest IMAGES - Different size/quality for different devices

    I would like that XF serve the optimal size version of images to the different devices (and internet connections). Example: user is browsing from desktop with a good connection? XF will serve full size image user is browsing from desktop with a slow connection? XF will serve full size image...
  3. Kintaro

    Lack of interest xenForo2 - Off canvas menu and sidebar together

    I see that in many 3rd party styles there are off canvas menu or sidebar... their are very useful on mobile and on desktop too. I would like to see in a next xenforo2 standard style: 1. off canvas menu 2. off canvas sidebar but more than that: Off canvas menu and sidebar together in a...
  4. Steve Freides

    Does XF know when access is Mobile?

    I was wondering if it's possible to know when a user is accessing our forum from a mobile device. In particular, I'd like to offer a separate SIG to each user that would be different if on mobile, much like my email replies have the SIG from my phone or tablet. Thanks. -S-
  5. Kintaro

    Unmaintained Lightbox on lower resolution devices

    On low resolution devices the lightbox is deactivated, this little core hack enable lightbox in low resolution devices like iPhone 4s. This is a core hack to xenforo.js file so you need to apply it again after every time you update xenForo core. How to do it: Search for: <500 if you're using...
  6. Hoffi

    Duplicate AMP Power...

    Di you plan to implement AMP in the next Version? Accelerate Mobile Pages is a really interesting approach to power up the websites,
  7. MetalRush

    XF 1.5 Font family - mobile devices

    Today, after some startup problems, our forum moved from PHPBB to xenForo. Something we should have done earlier.... We changed a lot via the templates and color palets. Only thing which is bugging me, is the font family on mobile devices. I changed almost all font families of all css files...
  8. OakleyForum

    XF 1.5 Show Smaller Images in Responsive View

    Currently having an issue, where images are making huge mobile pages - also flagging mobile usability issues in GWT. How can I set it to scale down images to the width of the mobile device, then expand when clicked? Seems like it should do this regardless for responsive. I.e the width of the...
  9. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing an image to ad_header that will only show on desktop and tablets

    Hello everyone. I want to add an 728x90 ad code (not adsense, an image with link) to ad_header template. But I want it to be shown only on desktop and mobile. How can I do that? I dont have much coding experience. Afaik @Brogan 's responsive adsense code works for this but I dont know how to...
  10. thumped

    Implement AMP Project framework
  11. rafass

    Lack of interest Duplicate the size of "xenforo-ui-sprite.png" [Retina improvements]

    The actual sprite is very small and the icons looks very blurry in retina devices. Xenforo sprite: Using something like (dp): And resizing with zoom: 0.5; will looks much better: After: Before: Browsing from retina devices de difference is really huge.
  12. Stuart Wright

    XF 1.5 How best incorporate our menu with UIX?

    At some point I want to implement UIX on AVForums (@Mike Creuzer) but the main thing holding me up is that I need our unique menu system to work with it. It was coded by John Warwick who continues to work on our editorial system. What I want is something more like an addon which I can install on...
  13. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Sidebar Width for Mobiles 1.0.0

    Description: With this simple add-on you can set the maximum width for sidebar on mobile devices. *note: you don't need this add-on if you have Sidebar Extension add-on installed Screens: < add-on disabled > < add-on enabled with max-width set to 550px> < style properties options >...
  14. BassMan

    [cXF] Sidebar Width for Mobiles

    BassMan submitted a new resource: Sidebar Width for Mobiles - Extend you sidebar on mobile devices. Read more about this resource...
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